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张紫瑶, 王继玲, 周维博, 冯缠利, 高建辉.不同回灌补源模式下石川河富平地下水库数值模拟水资源与水工程学报[J].,2022,33(2):54-60
Numerical simulation of Shichuan River Fuping Groundwater Reservoir under different recharge source modes
中文关键词:  地下水库  回灌补源模式  地下水流数值模拟  蓄水库容  石川河  富平地区
英文关键词:groundwater reservoir  recharge source mode  numerical simulation of groundwater flow  water storage capacity  Shichuan River  Fuping region
张紫瑶1,2, 王继玲1,2, 周维博1,2, 冯缠利3, 高建辉3 (1.长安大学 水利与环境学院 陕西 西安 710054 2.长安大学 旱区地下水文与生态效应教育部重点实验室 陕西 西安 710054 3.陕西省水利电力勘测设计研究院 陕西 西安 710001) 
摘要点击次数: 1528
全文下载次数: 445
      石川河富平地区地下水长期处于采补失衡状态,大范围含水层被疏干,形成区域性降落漏斗,针对拟建的石川河富平地下水库,设置5种开采回灌方案,建立地下水流数值模型模拟不同方案下地下水库水位和蓄水库容变化情况。结果表明:各回灌方案在消除降落漏斗的同时,均能较好地恢复地下水水位,且不超过地下水库的调蓄上限水位;回灌量相同、回灌方式不同时,逐日回灌方式的水位恢复效果优于灌期+非灌期回灌方式,较2018年地下水水位平均抬升13.55 m,蓄水库容增加2.99×108 m3;回灌量不同时,较大回灌量对地下水水位的影响大于回灌方式,即泾惠渠水源回灌时,水位抬升程度最大,为19.77 m,蓄水库容相应增加4.36×108 m3。模拟结果可为地下水库的调蓄与运行提供参考。
      The groundwater in the Fuping area of the Shichuan River Basin has been in an unbalanced state for a long time and a large area of aquifer has been drained, forming a regional landing funnel. In view of the proposed Shichuan River Fuping Groundwater Reservoir, we set up five kinds of mining recharge schemes to establish a groundwater flow numerical model for the simulation of the groundwater reservoir water level and water storage capacity change under different schemes. The results show that all the five schemes can both eliminate the landing funnel and restore the water level at the same time without exceeding the upper water level limit of the groundwater reservoir; with the same recharge amount and different recharge methods, the water level recovery effect of daily recharge is better than that of recharge in irrigation and non irrigation period, the average groundwater level is 13.55 m higher than that of 2018, and the storage capacity is increased by 299×106 m3. Under different recharge amounts, the influence of the larger recharge amount on the groundwater level is greater than that of the recharge method, i. e., the water level rises the highest when the recharge source is Jinhui Canal Irrigation and the recharge amount is 19.77 m, and the storage capacity is increased by 436×106 m3 correspondingly. The simulation results can provide a reference for the regulation, storage and operation of groundwater reservoirs.
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