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Shear strength experimental study on basalt fiber and nano slilca reinforced Shanghai clay
中文关键词:  玄武岩纤维  纳米二氧化硅  加筋黏性土  抗剪强度
英文关键词:basalt fiber  nano-silica  reinforced clay  shear strength
璩继立,胡晨凯,赵超男 上海理工大学 土木工程学院 上海 200093 
摘要点击次数: 1665
全文下载次数: 860
      For a more comprehensive study on the shear strength characteristic of basalt fiber and nano silica reinforced clay,the basalt fiber and nano silica were used as reinforcement materials to be incorporated into Shanghai clay in single or mixed form. The direct shear test was carried out to study the influence of the two materials on the shear strength of Shanghai clay by changing the reinforcement ratio of the two materials. The result shows that: the basalt fiber can effectively improve the shear strength of Shanghai clay , when the reinforcement ratio is 0.5%, the reinforcing performance is the most efficient; the addition of nano silica to Shanghai clay also increases the shear strength, and 1.0% is the best reinforced ratio; the shear strength of fiber-nano silica reinforced clay rise significantly under severe conditions (reinforcement ratio), the combined effect of the 0.5% basalt fiber(by weight) and 1.0% nano-silica(by weight) is the most effective; mixing basalt fiber with nano silica can obviously enlarge clay's cohesion, however the angle of internal friction was slightly influenced.
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