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王海科, 徐盼盼, 钱 会.关中地区干旱等级模糊综合评价水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(3):43-47
Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of drought degree in Guanzhong area
中文关键词:  干旱评价  模糊综合评价法  干旱指标  关中地区
英文关键词:drought assessment  fuzzy comprehensive evaluation  drought index  Guanzhong area
王海科, 徐盼盼, 钱 会 (长安大学 环境科学与工程学院 陕西 西安 710054) 
摘要点击次数: 2453
全文下载次数: 987
      Based the hydrological and meteorological data of 2013,the paper selected four indicators such as precipitation, runoff, reservoir storage and groundwater, and used fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method its weight is determined by AHP to evaluate the drought situation for five city of Guanzhong area in 2013. The evaluation result indicated that using single indicator to evaluate drought degree,the evaluation results will have difference.and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method perfectly solved the incomplete problem of single indicator evaluation;in five cities of Guanzhong area, the results of comprehensive evaluation on Baoji is no drought, but the assessment results of Xian, Xianyang, Weinan and Tongchuang are mild drought, the main reason is that annual rainfall in Baoji City in 2013 is more than that in other four cities;the degree of drought in Guanzhong area in 2013 is mild drought and no drought.The evaluation result is consistent with the actual situation,which indicated that the evaluation method has certain feasibility in the evaluation of drought degree of Guanzhong area.
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