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何祥瑞, 张 华, 纪爱丽.基于XFEM的渡槽单向地震动作用下裂纹开展分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(1):186-189
Analysis of crack growth of aqueduct under effect of single dimensional earthquake force based on XFEM
中文关键词:  排架渡槽  橡胶支座  裂纹扩展  XFEM  ABAQUS  单向地震
英文关键词:bent-type aqueduct  rubber bearings  crack expander  XFEM  ABAQUS  single dimensional earthquake
何祥瑞, 张 华, 纪爱丽 (河海大学 土木与交通学院 江苏 南京 210098) 
摘要点击次数: 2062
全文下载次数: 979
      Taking bent-type aqueduct as study object, the paper established a linear elastic calculating model with two-dimensional aqueduct of rubber bearings based on ABAQUS platform with XFEM. It calcuated the growth and extension of cracks and the equivalent stress of aqueduct structures during dynamic circulating process under different seismic waves,and analyzed the range of cracks and the damage degree of aqueduct structures. The results show that XFEM can better simulate the crack dehiscence and expansion of aqueduct structure. Both the joints between beam and column,and the bottom of column are the weak parts of anti-seismic of aqueduct structure.
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