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汤金桦, 李 春, 叶 舟, 阳 君.系泊参数对漂浮式风力机平台的影响研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(1):180-185
Influence of mooring parameters on floating platform of wind turbine
中文关键词:  漂浮式风力机  Barge平台  系泊参数  动态响应
英文关键词:floating wind turbine  Barge platform  mooring parameters  dynamic response
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(E51176129); 上海市教育委员会科研创新(重点)项目(13ZZ120、13YZ066); 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(博导)项目(20123120110008); 上海市科委项目资助(13DZ2260900)
汤金桦1, 李 春1,2, 叶 舟1,2, 阳 君1,2 (1.上海理工大学 能源与动力工程学院上海 200093 2.上海市动力工程多相流动与传热重点实验室上海 200093) 
摘要点击次数: 1936
全文下载次数: 799
      海上漂浮式风力机的研究已成为风电领域的重点与热点,而系泊对漂浮式风力机平台的安全有极其重要的影响,因此本文选取基于Barge平台的NREL 5MW漂浮式风力机作为研究对象,研究系泊参数对漂浮式风力机动态响应及系泊缆张力的影响。结果表明:系泊直径和系泊长度的变化对漂浮式风力机纵摇及系泊缆顶端张力影响较大,对垂荡和纵摇影响较小;当系泊直径为0.3m时,纵荡位移偏移量达到最大,系泊缆顶端张力达到最小;随着系泊长度的增长,纵荡位移不断增大,系泊缆顶端张力不断减小。
      The study of floating offshore wind turbine has become a focus of wind turbine field, and moorings has important impact on the safety of floating wind turbine.The paper selected NREL 5MW floating wind turbine as object based on the Barge platform to study the influence of mooring parameters on the dynamic response of floating wind turbine and mooring stress.The result showed that the change of mooring diameter and length has greater influence on longitudinal shake and tension of mooring floating wind turbine,and has less influence on vertical swing and longitudinal shake;when mooring diameter is 0.3 m,the displacement offset volume of longitudinal swing reaches the maximum, the tension of mooring line top reaches the minimum;with the increase of mooring length, longitudinal swing displacement constantly increases, the tension of mooring line top constantly reduces.
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