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普晓刚, 张 明, 冯小香.湘江长沙综合枢纽水库淹没范围控制研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(3):165-168
Research on control scope of reservoir submerged area of Changsha integrated hydro-junction in Xiangjiang River
中文关键词:  水库; 淹没曲线; 数学模型  长沙枢纽
英文关键词:reservoir  submerged curve  mathematical model  Changsha hydro-junction
普晓刚, 张 明, 冯小香 (交通运输部天津水运工程科学研究所 工程泥沙交通行业重点实验室 天津 300456) 
摘要点击次数: 1526
全文下载次数: 1038
      Using the two-dimension mathematical model of long river section between Zhuzhou and Xiangjiang hydro-junctions,the paper studied the variation feature of water surface curves in the area of Changsha hydro-junction and analyzed the influence of reservoir operation on navigation water depth in reservoir area.According to the design scheme, it determined the control scheme of submerged scope in the reservoir area of Changsha hydro-junction,and calculated the reservoir control line of submerged curve,and derived the relation between storage water level and flow of reservoir controlling section (Xiangtan hydrological station) and reasonally determined the pre-discharge water level scheduling line so as to offer the boundary constraint conditions for the subsequent reservoir optimization operation.
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