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梁 建, 李宝春, 祁 涛, 卢 俊.变步长四阶龙格库塔方法在水文水力计算中的应用水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(3):161-164
Application of varying step four order Runge-Kutta method in calculation of hydrologic and hydraulic engineering
中文关键词:  水库调洪  水面线计算  水文水力计算  变步长龙格库塔
英文关键词:flood control operation of reservoir  water surface calculation  hydrological and hydraulic calculation  changing-step Rung-Kutta method
梁 建, 李宝春, 祁 涛, 卢 俊 (安徽省·水利部淮委水利科学研究院 安徽 合肥 230088) 
摘要点击次数: 2347
全文下载次数: 1121
      A novel method of fourth order Runge-Kutta with variable step is applie in calculating the flood routing and water line in reservoir. In comparison with the traditional trial method through solving hydraulic differential equations,The method can effectively avoid missing the peak.Taking a reinforcement project of a small reservoir in Anhui as an example,the paper calculated flood routing and water line of the spillway by using tradition method and varying step four order Runge-Kutta method and got the flood hydrograph, water level change curve and surface line of spillway.The result showed that the proposed method is easy to program design and meet the precision requirement of engineering,and can be used in the calculation of hydrological differential equation.
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