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赵 磊,张丹蓉,黄金廷,金晓媚,杜璇璇,田玺泽.半干旱半荒漠地区沙柳周边土壤水分分布规律研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2012,23(5):63-66
Research on soil water distribution around Salix psammophila in the semi-arid and semi-desert area
投稿时间:2012-05-16  修订日期:2012-06-06
中文关键词:  沙地  沙柳  土壤含水量  土壤水分分布  水分影响因素
英文关键词:sandy land  salix mongolica  soil moisture content  soil water distribution  influence factor of soil water
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51209064); the Asia Facility for China Project "Partnership for research and education in water and ecosystem interactions" (10025990); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2010B01014)
赵 磊 河海大学 水文水资源学院, 南京 210098 
张丹蓉 河海大学 水文水资源学院, 南京 210098 
黄金廷 西安地质矿产研究所,西安 710054 
金晓媚 中国地质大学北京水资源环境学院,北京100083 
杜璇璇 河海大学 水文水资源学院, 南京 210098 
田玺泽 河海大学 水文水资源学院, 南京 210098 
摘要点击次数: 6931
全文下载次数: 1899
      土壤与植被是土壤-植物-大气连续体(SPAC)系统中两个相互依存和影响的重要因素。土壤水分是影响沙地植被稳定性的决定因素之一。通过对半干旱半荒漠地区主要植被沙柳根系发育区域内土壤水分的测定,分析了植被周围土壤含水量在水平、垂直方向的变化规律以及土壤含水量与日照、降雨、沙坡位置等因子的关系。结果表明:降雨引起沙地表层土壤含水量增加;65 cm深度土壤含水量偏小;根系的分布使得植株下方土壤含水量减少;土壤水分和植物根系存在相互作用的关系。
      Soil and vegetation are two interdependent and important components of SPAC (Soil-Plant-Atemosphere Continium) system. The soil moisture is one of determinants affecting vegetation stability in the sandy land. Through measuring the soil moisture content of the root growth region around Salix psammophila which is the main vegetation in the semi-arid and semi-desert area, the change of soil moisture content in horizontal and vertical directions and the relations of soil moisture content and environmental factors such as sunshine, rainfall and landscape slope position were analyzed. The results show that rain fall increases soil moisture content near the land surface; soil moisture content at 65cm depth is relatively lower; the growth of root reduces the soil water content underneath the plant; interaction exists between soil water content and vegetation root system.
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