张 闯, 黄 河, 蒋水华, 常志璐, 李彧玮, 张建华.城市内涝洪水演进模拟及影响分析——以江西省某城市片区为例Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2024,35(6):23-32
Flood evolution simulation and impact analysis of urban waterlogging:A case study of a city district in Jiangxi Province
中文关键词: 城市内涝; 城市管网; 排水能力评估; 洪水演进模拟  MIKE FLOOD
英文关键词: urban waterlogging  urban pipe network  drainage capacity assessment  flood evolution simulation  MIKE FLOOD
基金项目:国家优秀青年科学基金项目(52222905);江西省水利科技计划项目(202325ZDKT07、202426ZDKT12);江西省自然科学基金项目(20242BAB24001、20232ACB204031、 20224ACB204019);江西省研究生创新专项资金项目(YC2023-S208)
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Chuang1, HUANG He2, JIANG Shuihua1, CHANG Zhilu1,3, LI Yuwei2, ZHANG Jianhua2 (1. 南昌大学 工程建设学院 江西 南昌 330031 2.中铁水利水电规划设计集团有限公司 江西 南昌330029 3.南昌大学 资源与环境学院 江西 南昌 330031) 
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      近年来极端降雨事件频发,城市内涝灾害愈发严峻,已严重威胁城镇居民人身与财产安全,同时也造成了重大的社会经济损失。准确模拟极端降雨情景下城市内涝洪水演进过程是评估和防控内涝灾害风险的前提,然而准确模拟内涝洪水演进过程具有一定的挑战性。为此,以江西省某城市片区为例,通过MIKE FLOOD平台构建MIKE URBAN和MIKE 21耦合模型,分别模拟研究区在典型历史降雨事件和极端降雨情景下(10 、20 a一遇2 h降雨)城市内涝洪水演进过程,分析管网排水能力、最大淹没水深和易涝点积水深度的变化规律,并结合现场内涝积水数据验证了所构建耦合分析模型的有效性。结果表明:MIKE FLOOD平台模拟城市内涝洪水演进的效率较高,模拟结果可靠;研究区排水管网排水能力在小于10 a、10~20 a和大于20 a一遇的占比分别为77.3%、2.1%和20.6%,且积水深度等级以轻度积水(<0.15 m)为主,有6个易涝点达到重度积水等级,最大积水深度超过1.00 m;易涝点积水深度先快速增大至最大积水深度,后缓慢下降并趋于平稳,易涝点最大积水深度随着降雨强度的增大而缓慢增大。研究成果可为其他类似城市内涝洪水演进模拟、灾害防治及海绵城市建设提供参考。
      In recent years, extreme heavy rainfall events occurred frequently, and urban waterlogging disasters became increasingly severe, which have seriously threatened the lives and property of urban residents, resulting in significant social and economic losses. Accurate modeling of urban waterlogging evolution under extreme rainfall situations is the premise of assessing and controlling the waterlogging disaster risk; however, accurately simulating the progression of floodwater faces certain challenges. To this end, a district in a city of Jiangxi Province is selected as the case study, and the coupling model of MIKE URBAN and MIKE 21 is constructed at MIKE FLOOD platform for the analysis. With this coupling model, the evolution processes of urban waterlogging under a typical historical rainfall event and extreme rainfall scenarios (10 a and 20 a) in the study area are simulated respectively. Then, the variations of drainage capacity of pipe network, maximum inundation depth and water depth at vulnerable waterlogging points are analyzed, and the effectiveness of the proposed model is verified by field waterlogging data. The results show that MIKE FLOOD platform can simulate the urban waterlogging evolution with high efficiency and reliable prediction results. In the study area, the proportions of the drainage capacity of the drainage pipe network for less than 10 a, 10-20 a and more than 20 a return periods are 77.3%, 2.1% and 20.6%, respectively. Most water depths are less than 0.15 m, and there are six vulnerable waterlogging points reaching the severe level with the maximum water depth more than 1 m. The water accumulation depths at the waterlogging points rapidly increase to the maximum depth, and then slowly decrease and remain stable. The maximum water accumulation depths at vulnerable waterlogging points gradually increase with the increase of rainfall intensity. The research results can provide references for flood evolution simulation, disaster prevention and sponge city construction in other cities facing the problem of urban waterlogging.
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