蒋明镜, 谭亚飞鸥, 金树楼.胶结砂土力学特性的三维离散元简化分析Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2017,28(1):187-191
Simplified analysis of the mechanical behavior of cemented sand by three dimensional discrete element method
中文关键词: BPM模型  胶结砂土  离散单元法  力学特性  三轴压缩试验
英文关键词: BPM model  cemented sand  discrete element method  mechanical properties  triaxial compression test
Author NameAffiliation
JIANG Mingjing1,2,3, TAN Yafeiou1,3, JIN Shulou2,3 (1.上海理工大学 环境与建筑学院 上海 200093 2.同济大学 土木工程学院 上海 2000923.同济大学 岩土及地下工程教育部重点实验室 上海 200092) 
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      The discrete element method(DEM) is a numerical simulation method based on non-continuous medium mechanics, which can effectively analyze the macro and micro mechanical behavior responses of cemented granular materials. By using the three-dimensional discrete element commercial software PFC3D, a series of conventional triaxial compression tests for cemented sands with different cement contents and different confining pressures were simulated based on the microscopic cement contact model BPM to study the macro and micro mechanical behaviors of cemented sands. The results of simplified simulation showed that, compared with the pure sand specimen of the same initial void ratio, shear strength of the cemented sands was higher, the tested stress strain curve showed obvious strain softening, volumetric curve showed the dilatancy. The peak strength increased and the softening and dilatancy enhanced with the increases of cement content. With the increase of confining pressure, the peak strength increased and the dilatancy reduced; but the softening kept unchanged. In addition, the internal friction angle and the cohesion of the specimen were affected by the cement content and the confining pressure.
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