陈 迪, 任 青, 刘 阳, 颜 超, 柯 喆.侧向荷载作用下砂土与粘土中桩的受力性状研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2016,27(1):212-216
Study on stress property of clay and sand middle pile under effect of lateral load
中文关键词: 侧向受荷桩  粘土  砂土  p-y曲线  极限抗力
英文关键词: lateral load pile  clay  sand  p-y curve  limit resistance
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Di, REN Qing, LIU Yang, YAN Chao, KE Zhe (上海理工大学 土木工程系 上海 200093) 
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      The nonlinear analysis of lateral load pile in clay and sand was carried out by p-y curve method.It used different p-y curve model to sand and clay, took m value and uniform ultimate resistance as model parameters.The soil body's deformation was distinguished as elastic zone and plastic zone during the iterative process through. finite difference method and iterative method,and a new computing model was established. Then it used fortran language to study the behavior of laterally loaded piles,and compared computation result with examples so as to prove that the model is suitable for the calculation between clay pile and sand one.
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