陈剑昌, 黄 晨, 吕留根, 李 丽, 白天宇.墙体传热对流辐射比例的特性研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2015,26(2):166-168
Study on characteristics of convective and radiative ratios of heat transfor on wall
中文关键词: 墙体传热  对流辐射分离  有效辐射  电热膜
英文关键词: heat transfer by wall  split of convection and radiation  effective radiation  electrothermal film
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51278302); 沪江基金项目(D14003)
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Jianchang, HUANG Chen, L Liugen, LI Li, BAI Tianyu (上海理工大学 环境与建筑学院 上海 200093) 
Hits: 1926
Download times: 1462
      The paper used electric-thermal films in the wall body of building to simulate heat conduction of actual wall, and gained the total heat by heat flow meter on the inner surface of the laboratory walls. gains through the wall was measured.The net radiative heat gains and convective heat gains were calculated by effective radiative method and heat balance method.It discussed the associations of the split ratio of convective heat and radiative heat amount through the wall, ventilation rates of laboratory and the airflow pattern near wall. Results indicated that among the separation of convection radiation,the convection rates were little affect by amount of heat transfer and ventilation times,whereas the airflow pattern greatly influenced the the convection rates .The convection ratios of the wall under the air supply outlet were far higher than that of wall body under air return outlet.
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