王世岩, 毛战坡, 王 亮, 杜彦良, 杨素珍.黑河流域水生态系统异质性与环境因子关系研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2014,25(6):7-12
Study on relationship between heterogeneity of aquatic ecosystem and environment factors in Heihe river basin
中文关键词: 水生态系统  空间异质性  环境因子  黑河流域
英文关键词: aquatic ecosystem  spatial heterogeneity  envionment factor  Heihe river basin
基金项目:国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2012ZX07501-002-05); 国家自然科学基金项目(51179207)
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Shiyan, MAO Zhanpo, WANG Liang, DU Yanliang, YANG Suzhen (中国水利水电科学研究院 水环境研究所 北京 100038) 
Hits: 2024
Download times: 980
      Taking a typical river of northwest arid region such as Heihe river for example, through field surveys of aquatic ecosystems, aquatic organisms identification and data processing,the paper analyzed the feature of aquatic ecosystems spatial heterogeneity in Heihe river basin. Meanwhile,it identified and analyzed the major environmental factors of aquatic ecosystems spatial heterogeneity in the basin by use of the methods of correlation analysis and principal component analysis.The analysis showed that among every environment factor which impacts the aquatic ecosystems in Heihe river basin, there are some information redundant and interaction relationship.The absolute elevation has a good positive correlation relationship with the factors such as relative elevation, runoff depth, precipitation and net primary productivity(NPP), and has more obvious negative correlation relationship with evaporation, average temperature and drought index. The three indicators such as altitude elevation in terrain factor (DEM), rainfall and drought index in climatic factors have greater relationship with the feature of spatial distribution of aquatic ecosystem heterogeneity in Heihe river basin,which are the main factors of environmental effect to spatial heterogeneity of aquatic ecosystems in arid area of Heihe river basin.
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