张向东, 范世兴, 张晨光, 刘家顺.周边建筑对深基坑支护结构的影响分析Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2014,25(1):76-81
Effect of surrounding buildings on supporting structure of deep foundation pit
中文关键词: 周边建筑  深基坑  支护结构  数值模拟
英文关键词: surrounding building  deep foundation pit  supporting structure  numerical simulation
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Xiangdong, FAN Shixing, ZHANG Chenguang, LIU Jiashun (辽宁工程技术大学 土木与交通学院 辽宁 阜新123000) 
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      In order to research the effect of tall buildings and public service on supporting structures of deep foundation pit, the paper studied the influence of surrounding building loads on supporting structure stability of deep foundation pit by taking the deep foundation pit project of Asian Finance Building in Shenyang as the research object. It also researched the change law of vertical and horizontal displacement of supporting structures of deep foundation pit by means of field monitoring and verified the effectiveness of its supporting structure. The supporting structures of deep foundation pit were simulated many times by using finite element analysis software MIDAS/GTS and the relationship between parameters and deformation of supporting structures was summed up by changing the distance from the building etc. The research results show that the deformation of deep foundation has significantly increased when there are buildings around the foundation; the deformation value of the deep foundation pit increased linearly with the increase of buildings force surrounding deep foundation pit ; The impact of building distance on the deep foundation pit was increased power series in 2 times depth of excavation. The impact of fine and high building on deep foundation pit is larger than that of chunky building. The result can offer some guiding significance for optimization of supporting structural scheme of foundation pit.
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