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陈孝轩, 陈 琛, 郭一鹏.干湿循环下沟渠弃土斜坡长期稳定性研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2025,36(1):199-207
Long-term stability of ditch spoil slopes under drying-wetting cycles
中文关键词:  弃土  干湿循环  长期稳定性  三轴试验  改进强度模型
英文关键词:spoil  drying-wetting cycle  long-term stability  triaxial test  modified strength model
陈孝轩1, 陈 琛2, 郭一鹏3 (1.中国建筑材料工业地质勘查中心广东总队, 广东 广州 510403 2.湘潭大学 土木工程学院, 湖南 湘潭 411105 3.长沙理工大学 土木工程学院, 湖南 长沙 410114) 
摘要点击次数: 110
全文下载次数: 107
      为探究干湿循环作用下沟渠开挖弃土斜坡的长期稳定性,以广东省某弃土斜坡为研究对象,开展了不同干湿循环次数、压实度下的室内三轴剪切试验,获取了不同工况下的弃土抗剪强度参数,依据试验数据建立了考虑干湿循环和压实效应的弃土改进强度模型,并利用该模型研究了干湿循环对弃土斜坡长期稳定性的影响。结果表明:压实弃土的强度随着干湿循环次数的增多而减小,以K=0.96和σ3=20 kPa试样为例,经历2、4、6、8次干湿循环后峰值强度分别下降了21.9%、33.8%、40.8%、43.1%,总体来看在经历6~8次干湿循环后,强度趋于稳定;弃土斜坡在填筑初期的安全系数较高,但是随着干湿循环次数的增多,其安全储备不足,因此,在弃土场设计时,需要考虑一定的安全储备,尤其在弃土场下游有重要设施时。研究成果可为沟渠开挖弃土场安全储备设计提供参考。
      Under drying-wetting cyclic conditions, the long-term stability of slopes filled by spoil from ditch excavation need special attention. This study focuses on the stability of a spoil slope in Guangdong Province. Laboratory triaxial shear tests were conducted under various numbers of drying-wetting cycles and compaction levels to obtain the shear strength parameters of the spoil under different conditions. Based on the experimental data, a modified strength model integrating drying-wetting cycles and compaction effects was developed, which was then used to study the impact of drying-wetting cycles on the long-term stability of spoil slopes. The study finds that the strength of compacted spoil decreases with the increase of the drying-wetting cycles. For example, with samples at K=0.96 and σ3=20 kPa, the peak strength of the spoil decreased by 21.9%, 33.8%, 40.8%, and 43.1% after 2, 4, 6, and 8 drying-wetting cycles, respectively. Overall, the strength tends to stabilize after 6 to 8 cycles. Although the safety factor of the spoil slope is relatively high in the early stages of embankment construction, it becomes insufficient with increasing drying-wetting cycles. Therefore, it is essential to take a certain safety margin into account in the design of spoil sites, particularly when there are critical facilities downstream. The findings provide valuable insights into the safety margin design of excavated spoil sites.
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