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宋锦焘, 安辰策, 杨 杰, 马春辉, 仝 飞.基于GNSS和深度学习融合的水利工程边坡变形预测方法研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2025,36(1):129-137
Deformation prediction methods for hydraulic engineering slopes based on the integration of GNSS and deep learning
中文关键词:  边坡变形  预测模型  GNSS  时序预测  深度学习
英文关键词:slope deformation  prediction model  Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)  time series prediction  deep learning
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(52109166、52409173); 国家自然科学基金重点项目(52039008); 国家资助博士后研究人员计划(GZC20232140
宋锦焘1,2, 安辰策1,2, 杨 杰1,2, 马春辉1,2, 仝 飞1,2 (1.西安理工大学 水利水电学院 陕西 西安 710048 2.西安理工大学 旱区水工程生态环境全国重点实验室, 陕西 西安 710048) 
摘要点击次数: 143
全文下载次数: 72
      边坡变形预测是水利工程边坡安全分析的重要研究领域,全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)作为边坡变形监测的重要手段之一,其数据的质量和预测精度对评估边坡的安全性至关重要。针对GNSS数据噪声处理及变形序列高精度预测的问题,提出了一种基于变分模态分解(VMD)、卷积神经网络(CNN)、双向长短期记忆网络(BiLSTM)和注意力机制(AM)的边坡GNSS变形数据降噪与预测模型。利用VMD对原始变形序列进行滤波降噪处理,有效去除噪声干扰,提高数据质量;采用CNN从经过VMD处理后的序列中提取时变特征,捕捉时间序列中的局部和全局模式;使用BiLSTM模型拟合由CNN提取的时变特征,通过双向捕捉时间序列中的历史和未来信息,输出变形的拟合值。为了优化深度学习网络的重要参数,引入模拟退火(SA)算法进行最优分析,从而提升模型的整体性能和预测精度;BiLSTM输出的结果通过AM全连接层,结合注意力机制进一步提高预测结果的准确性,最终得到预测值。将该融合模型应用于某水利工程边坡的GNSS监测数据预测,结果表明:与经典深度学习组合模型相比,提出的融合模型在3个方向(h、x、y)上的预测精度分别平均提升了63.92%、62.06% 和89.10%,为水利工程边坡GNSS监测数据分析提供了新的建模方法。
      Slope deformation prediction is an important research field in slope safety analysis of hydraulic projects. The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technology is one of the main approaches for slope deformation monitoring, its data quality and prediction accuracy are crucial for slope safety evaluation. In response to the issues of noise processing in GNSS data and high-precision prediction of deformation sequences, a denoising and prediction model was proposed based on variational mode decomposition (VMD), convolutional neural networks (CNN), bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) networks and attention mechanism (AM). To improve data quality, VMD is employed to filter and denoise the original deformation sequence; CNN is utilized to extract time-varying features from the processed data, which is then fitted by BiLSTM to obtain the deformation values based on the historical and future informationin of the time series. To optimize the model parameters and thereby improve prediction accuracy, the simulated annealing (SA) optimization algorithm is introduced for the optimal analysis of important parameters in the deep learning network. Subsequently, the output of BiLSTM model is processed in the fully connected layer of AM to get the final optimized prediction results. The prediction results of a hydraulic engineering slope based on GNSS surveillance data demonstrate that the proposed hybrid model achieved an average enhancement of 63.92%, 62.06%, and 89.10% in prediction accuracy in three dimensions(h, x, y), compared with the classic deep learning ensemble models. This model can offer a novel modeling approach for the analysis of GNSS surveillance data in hydraulic engineering slopes.
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