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谢宇莹, 刘智勇.广东省水资源系统脆弱性时空格局评估水资源与水工程学报[J].,2025,36(1):77-87
Spatiotemporal evolution of vulnerability of water resources system in Guangdong Province
中文关键词:  水资源脆弱性  脆弱性评价框架  熵权法  空间自相关  广东省
英文关键词:water resources vulnerability  vulnerability scoping diagram(VSD)  spatial autocorrelation  entropy weight method  Guangdong Province
谢宇莹1, 刘智勇2,3 (1.广东省水文局佛山水文分局, 广东 佛山 528000 2.中山大学 土木工程学院 水资源与环境研究中心 广东 广州 510275 3.南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(珠海) 广东 珠海 519082) 
摘要点击次数: 212
全文下载次数: 93
      Water resources play an essential role in socioeconomic development, and the evaluation of water resources vulnerability is conducive to regional development and sustainable utilization of water resources. Based on the analytical framework of vulnerability scoping diagram (VSD), we developed a composite water resources vulnerability evaluation system from exposure, sensitivity and adaptability dimensions. Subsequently, a comprehensive spatiotemporal analysis of water resources vulnerability in Guangdong Province over the period of 2010-2022 was carried out by means of trend analysis and spatial autocorrelation method. The results show that water resources vulnerability showed a distribution pattern of “high in the south and central; low in the north, east and west”. The core region of the Pearl River Delta presented the highest level of water resources vulnerability, followed by the east and west Guangdong; whereas the north Guangdong exbibited the lowest. In the study period, the water resources vulnerability of most cities in Guangdong Province has decreased; while that of Shenzhen has increased. The water resources vulnerability of Guangdong Province exhibited a positive spatial autocorrelation and there was a strengthening trend in spatial agglomeration. High-high clustering areas were mainly distributed in the Pearl River Delta region, while low-low clustering areas in the north and west Guangdong. This study clarified the distribution pattern of water resources vulnerability in Guangdong Province, so as to provide a guide for decision-making of sustainable water resources management.
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