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王琨瑜, 刘向阳.基于Reg-Crossformer模型的日径流量预测水资源与水工程学报[J].,2025,36(1):40-46
Daily runoff prediction based on Reg-Crossformer model
中文关键词:  日径流时间序列预测  深度学习  Reg-Crossformer  渭河流域
英文关键词:daily runoff time series prediction  deep learning  Reg-Crossformer  the Weihe River Basin
王琨瑜, 刘向阳 (河海大学 数学学院 江苏 南京 211100) 
摘要点击次数: 184
全文下载次数: 82
      Taking the Weihe River Basin as the research background, the daily runoff data of Xianyang station from 1961 to 2015 are selected as the data input for the Crossformer model. Focusing on the multi-dimensional time series data, this paper adopts the two-stage attention (TSA) mechanism to better capture the correlation between different dimensions. In addition, the Reg-Crossformer model incorporating multi-source covariates is proposed to further enhance the adaptability of the model to complex hydrological conditions. The results of daily runoff prediction in the Weihe River Basin show that compared with the original Crossformer model, the proposed model improves the correlation coefficient (R) and Nash efficiency coefficient (NSE) by 7.46% and 21.63% respectively; reduces the root mean square error (RMSE) by 15.25%. In the comparative experiments of different models, Reg-Crossformer outperforms the conventional machine learning model (SVM) and deep learning models (LSTM and Informer) across various evaluation indicators, demonstrating superior simulation performance and stability. Reg-Crossformer model offers a new approach for the accurate prediction of runoff in the Weihe River Basin, and provides valuable insights into future application of water resources management and deep learning models in hydrological simulation.
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