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刘世思, 裴青宝, 宋奕欣, 孙晓初, 张振宇.生物炭添加量对红壤水分运移的影响水资源与水工程学报[J].,2024,35(5):217-224
Effect of biochar addition on water transport in red soils
中文关键词:  红壤  水分运移  生物炭  湿润锋  累积入渗量  拟合模型
英文关键词:red earth  water transport  biochar  wet front  cumulative infiltration  fitting model
基金项目:江西省水利科学院科研平台开放研究基金项目(2021SKSH08); 江西省科技厅重点研发计划项目(20203BBFL63073); 江西省水利厅科技成果重点推广计划项目(202425TGKT09)
刘世思, 裴青宝, 宋奕欣, 孙晓初, 张振宇 (南昌工程学院 江西 南昌 330099) 
摘要点击次数: 337
全文下载次数: 152
      为探究不同的生物炭添加量对红壤水分运动规律的影响,设置5组生物炭混掺量1%(T1)、2%(T2)、3%(T3)、4%(T4)和5%(T5),并以不掺生物炭为对照组(CK),通过室内土柱模拟试验分析不同处理对湿润峰(Zf)、累积入渗量(I)和土壤含水量的影响,通过入渗模型对入渗过程的拟合,来评价模型的模拟性能。研究表明:湿润锋运移距离随着生物炭含量的增加呈现出先减小后趋于稳定再减小的趋势,湿润锋运移距离最大的为T1(44.2 cm),最小的为T5(18.1 cm),当生物炭添加量为T3和T4时,相比CK组分别减少了23.3%和26.3%;累积入渗量也呈现出先减小后趋于稳定再减小的趋势,入渗量最大的为CK(84.3 cm),最小的为T5 (26.0 cm),生物炭添加量为T3和T4时,累积入渗量分别为30.4 cm和30.1 cm;CK组土壤含水量较处理组低,可见生物炭可以提高土壤保水性能;通过比较模型参数RRMSER2,发现Kostiakov模型拟合效果最优。研究结果可对丘陵红壤的土壤水分管理提供参考。
      The effects of different biochar additions on water transport in red soils were investigated by an indoor soil column simulation test. Five groups with biochar dosage rates of 1% (T1), 2% (T2), 3% (T3), 4% (T4), and 5% (T5) were set, along with a control group without biochar (CK). The analysis focused on the effects of these treatments on wet front (Zf), cumulative infiltration (I), and soil moisture content, and the performance of different infiltration models was evaluated by fitting the infiltration process. According to the test results, wet front migration initially decreased, then stabilized, and subsequently declined as the biochar content increased; the maximum wet front migration was observed in T1 at 44.2 cm, while the minimum was seen in T5 at 18.1 cm. Compared to the CK group, wet front migration decreased by 23.3% and 26.3% in T3 and T4, respectively. Cumulative infiltration also exhibited the same variation trend as the wet front migration, with maximum infiltration in CK at 84.3 cm and minimum in T5 at 26.0 cm; while that for T3 and T4 were measured at 30.4 cm and 30.1 cm, respectively. Soil water content was higher in treatment groups compared to the CK group, indicating that biochar can improve soil water retention performance. It was found that the Kostiakov model had the best fitting effect when comparing the RRMSE and R2 results of different models. These results can provide valuable insights for effective water management practices in hilly red soil regions.
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