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聂其坦, 肖浩汉, 刘 飞, 刘立鹏, 牛瑞强.隧洞掘进机掘进数据预处理方法及工程案例验证水资源与水工程学报[J].,2024,35(5):191-200
TBM excavation data preprocessing method and engineering case verification
中文关键词:  隧洞掘进机(TBM)  数据预处理  核密度估计  巴特沃斯滤波  长短期记忆网络(LSTM)
英文关键词:tunnel boring machine(TBM)  data preprocessing  kernel density estimation  Butterworth filtering  long short-term memory (LSTM)
聂其坦1, 肖浩汉2, 刘 飞1, 刘立鹏2, 牛瑞强1 (1.广东粤海粤西供水有限公司 广东 湛江 524000 2.中国水利水电科学研究院 北京 100048) 
摘要点击次数: 271
全文下载次数: 142
      The full face hard rock tunnel boring machine (TBM) automatically generates massive excavation data during the tunnel construction process. Proper screening and cleansing of excavation data is crucial to data quality, which also has great guiding significance for the intelligent construction of tunnel engineering. Therefore, based on the characteristics of TBM excavation data in the Yinchuo Project, an integrated TBM excavation data preprocessing method is proposed, which includes complete excavation segment extraction, internal excavation segmentation, and excavation parameter noise reduction. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed data preprocessing method, a torque cut depth index (TPI) prediction model is developed by the long short-term memory (LSTM) algorithm, which has strong temporal prediction capabilities. The results demonstrate that the proposed data preprocessing method can significantly improve data quality and enhance the prediction accuracy of deep learning models. For the validation dataset, R2 increases from 0.503 to 0.721, R′ ascends from 0.809 to 0.900, and MRE plummets from 3.107 to 0.096. These research achievements bear profound implications for enhancing the precision and reliability of TBM tunneling data, thereby offering invaluable insights for further exploration in the related domain.
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