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靖一峰, 汪 波, 梅 洁, 刘金炜, 孟庆余.高铁海底隧道矿山-盾构对接段渗流应力耦合特征研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2024,35(5):181-190
Characteristics of seepage-stress coupling in mine-shield docking section of high speed railway subsea tunnel
中文关键词:  海底隧道  矿山法  盾构法  对接段  渗流应力耦合
英文关键词:subsea tunnel  mine method  shield method  docking section  seepage-stress coupling
靖一峰1, 汪 波1, 梅 洁1,2, 刘金炜1, 孟庆余3 (1.西南交通大学 交通隧道工程教育部重点实验室 四川 成都 610031 2.西南交通大学 城市轨道交通学院 四川 成都 611756 3.中国铁路设计集团有限公司 天津 300308) 
摘要点击次数: 298
全文下载次数: 142
      Underwater docking construction by mine and shield method is a key technical issue in the construction of subsea tunnels, and understanding the seepage-stress coupling characteristics is the premise of safe construction and operation of the docking section of tunnels. This study employed a finite element software to carry out three-dimensional numerical simulation of on-site docking construction scheme. Based on the simulation results, the seepage characteristics, displacement deformation and stress change rules of different construction sections of the tunnel were analyzed, which revealed the seepage-stress coupling mechanism of the construction of the tunnel mine-shield docking section on the surrounding rock disturbance. The results show that after tunnel excavation, the pore water in the surrounding rock pools and continuously recharges to the tunnel cave perimeter and the excavation surface, resulting in a reduction of pore water pressure, the formation of precipitation funnels, an increase in the seepage rate around the tunnel cave perimeter, and a large amount of water influx during the excavation stage. Affected by the hydraulic gradient, the pore water pressure at the bottom of the arch is the largest, but setting up drainage measures can lead and drain the pressure during construction. During tunnel excavation, displacement deformation increases abruptly, and due to the influence of dewatering and pressure relief at the excavation face, vertical settlement occurs at the crown of the tunnel section before excavation. Compared with the shield method, the disturbance degree of the mine method construction is greater, and the distribution of principal stresses in the excavation sections using the mine method are consistent in different construction sections. The study can provide a reference for the safety evaluation of the underwater docking projects by mine and shield method in subsea tunnels.
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