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杨 钊, 刘国庆, 刘 扬, 许亮华.大型抽水蓄能电站地下厂房结构振动响应数值模拟研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2024,35(5):155-163
Numerical simulation of vibration response of the underground plant structure in a large pumped storage power station
中文关键词:  抽水蓄能电站  地下厂房结构  脉动压力  黏弹性人工边界  振动响应
英文关键词:pumped storage power station  underground plant structure  pulsation pressure  viscoelastic artificial boundary  vibration response
杨 钊1, 刘国庆2, 刘 扬2, 许亮华2 (1.国网宁夏电力有限公司经济技术研究院 宁夏 银川 750004 2.中国水利水电科学研究院 北京 100048) 
摘要点击次数: 367
全文下载次数: 159
      抽水蓄能电站振动问题较为突出,强烈的振动会严重影响机组和厂房的安全稳定运行。采用黏弹性人工边界模拟厂房与围岩连接处的边界条件,计算分析了丰宁抽水蓄能电站某机组段地下厂房整体结构的自振频率特性,并对其进行了共振复核;采用时程法计算分析了脉动压力作用下厂房结构的振动响应,并与实测数据进行了对比。结果表明:厂房整体结构前20阶自振频率范围为13.32~34.90 Hz,产生共振的危险性很低;楼板各测点竖向均方根加速度的计算值与实测值相差不大,说明所采用的数值分析方法是合理有效的;抽水工况下各典型部位最大振动响应均满足厂房振动控制标准,发电工况下除水轮机层楼板竖向最大均方根加速度超过人体健康评价标准外,其余结构的各项指标均满足厂房振动控制标准。
      The vibration problem is prominent in pumped storage power stations, and strong vibrations can seriously affect the safe and stable operation of power units and plants. This study employed viscoelastic artificial boundaries to simulate the boundary conditions at the connection parts between the plant and surrounding rock. Firstly, the natural frequency characteristics of the whole underground plant structure of a unit in Fengning Pumped Storage Power Station was calculated and analyzed, the resonance checks of which were then conducted. Subsequently, the time-history method was used to calculate and analyze the vibration responses of the plant structure under pulsation pressure, after which the calculation results were compared with the measured data. The results show that the first 20 natural frequencies of the whole plant structure range from 13.32 to 34.90 Hz, indicating a very low risk of structure resonance. There is little difference between the calculated value and measured value of the vertical root-mean-squared acceleration at each measuring point of the floors, which indicates that the numerical analysis method is reasonable and effective. In addition, the maximum vibration response of each typical part of the structure meets the vibration control standard of the plant under pumping condition. Except that the maximum vertical root-mean-square acceleration of the turbine floor exceeds the human health evaluation standard, all the indexes of the other structures meet the vibration control standard of the plant under power generation condition.
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