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廖志彬, 胡婉婷, 安彦平, 吴 琦, 袁俊平, 曹雪山, 丁国权.土工膜防渗水库的缺陷渗漏量估算方法研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2024,35(5):130-136
Estimation method of defective leakage in geomembrane impermeable reservoirs
中文关键词:  土工膜防渗水库  缺陷土工膜防渗层渗透系数  反演渗透系数  渗漏量估算方法  等流量原则  数值模拟
英文关键词:geomembrane impermeable reservoir  permeability coefficient of impermeable layer of defective geomembrane  inversion permeability coefficient  leakage estimation method  equal flow principle  numerical simulation
廖志彬1, 胡婉婷1, 安彦平1, 吴 琦1, 袁俊平2,3, 曹雪山2, 丁国权2,3 (1.银川中铁水务集团有限公司 宁夏 银川 750004 2. 河海大学 土木与交通学院 江苏 南京 210029
3.河海大学 岩土力学与堤坝工程教育部重点实验室
江苏 南京 210029) 
摘要点击次数: 316
全文下载次数: 141
      土工膜缺陷是导致土工膜防渗水库渗漏的重要因素,目前对土工膜缺陷渗漏量的评估尚处于试验阶段,未见有土工膜防渗水库缺陷渗漏估算的相关报道。基于土工膜宏观缺陷的局部性以及土工膜防渗水库的监测资料,建立了水库缺陷土工膜防渗层的渗透系数反演数值模型,提出了一种土工膜防渗水库的缺陷渗漏量估算方法。结合现场监测资料,数值反演结果表明:当缺陷土工膜防渗层面积为4 m2时,其渗透系数为5.0×10-5 m/s;土工膜防渗层缺陷的总体渗漏流量、各断面的单位宽度流量均与库水位相关;在库水最大深度为14.4 m时,水库的缺陷渗漏量约为857 m3/d;同时,缺陷渗漏量影响范围有限,随着与缺陷中心距离的增大,断面的单位宽度渗漏量逐渐减小。研究成果为土工膜防渗水库的渗漏状态评估和安全运营提供了技术支持。
      Defects in geomembranes significantly contribute to leakage in impermeable reservoirs, the assessment of reservoir leakage related to geomembrane defects remains experimental, with no reported research on methods for estimating defective leakage in impermeable reservoirs. A numerical simulation inversion model for determining the permeability coefficient of defective geomembrane layers in impermeable reservoirs was developed based on the localization of macroscopic defects and monitoring data. Subsequently, a numerical simulation method was proposed to estimate defective leakage in geomembrane impermeable reservoirs. Based on on-site monitoring data, the numerical simulation inversion results show that the permeability coefficient of the defective geomembrane impermeable layer was 5.0 × 10-5 m/s, corresponding to the area of 4 m2. The total seepage flow and the flow of per unit width section due to geomembrane defects were both influenced by the reservoir water level. At a maximum reservoir water depth of 14.4 meters, the reservoir leakage reached about 857 m3/d. Furthermore, there was a discernible influence range, with the leakage of per unit width section decreasing as the distance from the center of the defect center increased. The research provides an approach for leakage evaluation and safe operation of geomembrane reservoirs in practical applications.
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