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丁应龙, 王 红.赣江流域径流量对气象和大尺度气候因子的响应研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2024,35(5):53-61
Response of runoff to meteorological and large-scale climatic factors in the Ganjiang River Basin
中文关键词:  径流量  气象因子  大尺度气候因子  地理探测器  小波分析  赣江流域
英文关键词:runoff  meteorological factor  large-scale climatic factor  Geodetector  wavelet analysis  the Ganjiang River Basin
丁应龙1,2, 王 红1 (1.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 陆地水循环及地表过程重点实验室 北京 100101 2.中国科学院大学 资源与环境学院 北京 100049) 
摘要点击次数: 466
全文下载次数: 156
      全球气候变化背景下驱动水文过程的气象和大尺度气候因子持续变化,给流域水资源管理与配置带来挑战。赣江流域作为鄱阳湖最大的流域,其径流量变化对近些年旱涝灾害频发的鄱阳湖影响显著。基于赣江流域1966—2020年的日气象数据以及流域出口外洲水文站的日径流量数据,采用Mann-Kendall趋势检验、地理探测器和小波分析的方法,分析了赣江流域径流量的变化趋势,探究了赣江流域内气象要素对流域径流量的解释力,并检测了赣江流域月平均流量与大西洋多年代际振荡AMO、厄尔尼诺与南方涛动ENSO之间的变异性和遥相关关系。结果表明:流域内的径流量呈现不显著增大趋势,其原因可能是不显著增加的降水与其他气象因子交互作用的结果;降水是影响径流量的主导因子,其在年内尺度上的解释力可达0.827,而多因子交互作用的解释力比两个因子的简单和更加显著;AMO对径流量的影响周期主要是在4 a的周期上,而ENSO则在2 a左右出现较好的对应关系。
      Under the impact of global climate change, the ongoing alterations in meteorological and large-scale climatic factors which drive hydrological processes present significant challenges to water resources management and allocation. As the largest watershed of Poyang Lake, the Ganjiang River Basin plays a crucial role in the frequent occurrences of droughts and floods in Poyang Lake in recent years. This study analyzes the runoff trends in the Ganjiang River Basin using daily meteorological data and daily runoff data from the Waizhou Hydrological Station located at the basin’s outlet, covering the period from 1966 to 2020. Employing the Mann-Kendall trend test, Geodetector, and wavelet analysis, we investigate the trends in runoff, the explanatory power of meteorological factors on runoff, and the variability and teleconnections between the monthly average flow of the Ganjiang River Basin, the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation (AMO) and El Nio-southern oscillation (ENSO). The results reveal that the runoff in this basin exhibits an insignificant upward trend, likely due to the interactions between the non-significant increase in precipitation and other meteorological factors. Precipitation emerges as the dominant factor influencing runoff, with an explanatory power of up to 0.827 on the annual scale. The interaction of multiple factors provides a more significant explanatory power than the simple sum of any two individual factors. The influence of AMO on runoff is mainly observed in the 4-year cycle, while ENSO shows a better correspondence with approximate 2-year cycles.
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