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朱悦璐, 李光灿, 罗冬兰.统计学与动力学方法结合的渭河上游干旱研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2024,35(5):40-45
Drought analysis of the upper Wei River based on statistics and dynamics theory
中文关键词:  水文干旱  动力学方案  相空间重构  李雅普诺夫指数  分维数  渭河上游
英文关键词:hydrological drought  dynamics scheme  phase space reconstruction  Lyapunov exponent  fractal dimension  the upper Weihe River
朱悦璐1,2, 李光灿1, 罗冬兰1 (1.南昌工程学院 水利工程学院江西 南昌 330099 2.安康市九星建筑工程有限公司 陕西 安康 725000) 
摘要点击次数: 491
全文下载次数: 173
      To more accurately identify and predict drought events, this study uses the long series of daily runoff in the Linjiacun Hydrological Station from 1960 to 2020 as data input. By combining statistics and dynamics methods, we calculated hydrological drought probability P, runoff fractal dimension D2 and runoff Lyapunov exponent LE, and established functional relationships for P-D2, P-LE to solve the drought probability from the perspective of chaotic dynamics. Furthermore, the runoff Z-index sequence is used to reconstruct the phase space, within which the future drought events are predicted. The research results show that the statistical parameter P has a good linear relationship with the chaotic parameter D2 and LE, with regression equation R2 values of 0.93 and 0.83, respectively. Within the prediction interval, the runoff Z-index for 2021 is predicted to be 1.69 by the chaotic prediction model, corresponding to a hydrological drought state of “no drought”. This conclusion is consistent with the actual hydrological situation, demonstrating a good predictive performance of the model. This research can provide a new approach for the study of drought theory.
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