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汪 洋, 唐立强, 王昕洲, 单 强, 马丙太, 赵德刚,王 颖, 周一文, 李红超, 邵思慧.冀东平原第四系地下水化学成因及赋存层位识别研究——以唐山平原区为例水资源与水工程学报[J].,2024,35(5):31-39
Hydrochemical genesis and aquifer level identification of the fourth series groundwater in Jidong Plain:A case study of Tangshan Plain area
中文关键词:  地下水化学  成因机制  Bayes判别法  赋存层位识别  冀东平原
英文关键词:groundwater hydrochemistry  genetic mechanism  Bayes discriminant method  aquifer level identification  Jidong Plain
基金项目:河北省地质资源环境监测与保护重点实验室项目(JCYKT202408、JCYKT202210、JCYKT202303); 河北省水资源基础调查项目(13000024P006CA410464R); 唐山市平原区浅层地下水重要指标环境背景值调查项目(JLZB-2022-139)
汪 洋1,2, 唐立强1,2, 王昕洲1,2, 单 强1,2, 马丙太1,2, 赵德刚1,2,王 颖1,2, 周一文1,2, 李红超1,2, 邵思慧1,2 (1.河北省地质资源环境监测与保护重点实验室 河北 石家庄 050021 2.河北省地质环境监测院 河北 石家庄 050021) 
摘要点击次数: 414
全文下载次数: 161
      In order to clarify the hydrochemical genesis and determine the aquifer levels of the fourth series groundwater in the Jidong Plain, the fourth series groundwater in the Tangshan Plain area was selected as the research object. The Piper trilinear diagram, Gibbs diagram, and ion composition ratio methods were used to explore the groundwater recharge sources, hydrochemical characteristics, and genetic mechanisms in the study area. Based on the Bayes discriminant method, a model for identifying the aquifer levels of the groundwater in the study area was established. The results showed that the hydrochemical types of shallow groundwater gradually changed from HCO3-Ca·Mg type in the mountain foot area to Cl-Na type in the coastal area, while the deep groundwater changed from HCO3-Ca·Mg type to HCO3-Na type. The formation of the hydrochemical components in the entire freshwater zone of shallow and deep groundwater in the study area was mainly influenced by rock weathering, with mineral dissolution as the dominant process. However, that in the brackish water zone of shallow groundwater was mainly controlled by evaporation concentration, with evaporite dissolution as the dominant process; and that in the brackish water zone of deep groundwater was mainly controlled by cation exchange adsorption. The aquifer level identification model based on the Bayes discriminant method can quickly and accurately identify the aquifer levels of the groundwater. This model can provide an effective approach for determining the pumping levels of groundwater monitoring wells and serve as a technical support for the formulation of aquifer level classification standards.
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