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韩冬凝, 许士国, 李维佳, 陈小强.消落区沉积物落干期氮磷形态分析——以碧流河水库为例水资源与水工程学报[J].,2024,35(5):11-19
Morphology of nitrogen and phosphorus during sediment drying period in water level fluctuation zone: A case study of the Biliuhe Reservoir
中文关键词:  水库  消落区  沉积物  持续落干  理化性质
英文关键词:reservoir  water level fluctuation zone  sediment  sustained drying  physicochemical property
韩冬凝1,2, 许士国1, 李维佳1, 陈小强1 (1.大连理工大学 建设工程学院 辽宁 大连 116024
2.辽宁省水利水电勘测设计研究院有限责任公司 辽宁 沈阳 110006) 
摘要点击次数: 503
全文下载次数: 171
      Sediments in the water level fluctuation zone of the reservoir undergo frequent drying and flooding processes due to water level changes. In order to investigate the effect of drying process on nitrogen and phosphorus in the sediments, the study analyzed sediment samples collected at different elevations in the water level fluctuation zone of the Biliuhe Reservoir. Subsequently, a drying simulation experiment was carried out based on the field survey to explore the characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus morphology change in the sediments of the water level fluctuation zone during the drying period, so as to provide a reference for the management of endogenous pollution in reservoirs. The results showed that TN content reduced by 2.99% under the influence of denitrification; however, as the conditions under which denitrification occurred were destroyed by water evaporation, the TN content gradually stabilized. Affected by mineralization, there was a morphological transformation of organic phosphorus (OP) to inorganic phosphorus (IP), which improved the bioavailability of phosphorus. Moreover, an enrichment of nitrogen and phosphorus to the surface layer was seen during the drying period. Therefore, sustained drying condition is conducive to the removal of excess nitrogen from the sediments, which in turn contributes to plant growth and primary productivity in the water level fluctuation zone.
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