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许斯年, 宋志强, 李 闯.近断层地震动组合斜入射下沥青混凝土面板堆石坝响应研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2024,35(4):127-135
Seismic response of asphalt concrete face rockfill dam under combined oblique incidence of near-fault ground motions
中文关键词:  沥青混凝土面板堆石坝  近断层地震动  组合斜入射  脉冲效应  地震响应
英文关键词:asphalt concrete face rockfill dam  near-fault ground motion  combined oblique incidence  pulse-like effect  seismic response
许斯年, 宋志强, 李 闯 (西安理工大学 省部共建西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室 陕西 西安 710048) 
摘要点击次数: 1332
全文下载次数: 1008
      Water conservancy projects in the western region of China are mostly built near complex earthquake fault zones, and the pulse-like effect of near-field ground motions on hydraulic structures cannot be ignored. The near-fault ground motion is often composed of P-waves and SV-waves. When the seismic waves reach the surface, they often hit the ground at a certain angle, and the assumption of vertical incidence is no longer applicable. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the impact of combined oblique incidence of near-fault pulse-like ground motions on the seismic response of asphalt concrete face rockfill dams. Based on the surface two-dimensional seismic motion inversion, the oblique incidence time history of P-waves and SV-waves were obtained, and a combined oblique incidence model of near-fault ground motions was constructed. Five pulse-like and non-pulse-like ground motions were selected to study the influence of the combined oblique incidence of near-fault ground motions on the acceleration, stress, and permanent deformation of asphalt concrete panels. The results show that compared to the vertical incidence of ground motions, the horizontal acceleration of the panel increases with the increase of P-wave angle and decreases with the increase of SV-wave angle, while the vertical acceleration of the panel and permanent deformation of the dam body are on the opposite; the tensile stress of the panel increases with the increase of P-wave and SV-wave angles; the pulse-like characteristics of near-fault ground motions have a significant amplification effect on the seismic response of the dam, with a maximum increase of 116% in panel tensile stress.
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