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金嫣婧, 刘宁宁, 张金珠, 王振华, 张继红, 李 淼, 李云霞.凸台类型对离散型流道叠片过滤器水头损失的影响水资源与水工程学报[J].,2024,35(2):217-224
Effects of convex type on head loss of disc filter with discrete flow channels
中文关键词:  叠片过滤器  离散型流道结构  凸台类型  水力性能  数值分析
英文关键词:disc filter  discrete flow channel  convex structure type  hydraulic performance  numerical analysis
基金项目:兵团重大科技项目(2021AA003); 国家重点研发计划课题(2022YFD1900405); 兵团农业GG项目(2023AA305)
金嫣婧1,2,3, 刘宁宁1,2,3, 张金珠1,2,3, 王振华1,2,3, 张继红1,2,3, 李 淼1,2,3, 李云霞3,4 (1.石河子大学 水利建筑工程学院 新疆 石河子 832003 2.现代节水灌溉兵团重点实验室新疆 石河子 832000 3.农业农村部西北绿洲节水农业重点实验室 新疆 石河子 8320004.新疆农垦科学院农田水利与土壤肥料研究所 新疆 石河子 832000) 
摘要点击次数: 693
全文下载次数: 285
      The disc filter with discrete flow channels is a novel device that produces a relatively small water head loss. The regular distribution of the convex structures on the disc surface is one of the main factors affecting head loss of the disc filter. In order to find out the influence of different types of the convex structure on the internal flow field and further reduce the head loss of the disc filter, a physical experiment and numerical simulation were conducted to analyze the head loss and flow field distribution characteristics of five different convex structures, including the original right triangle, rhombus, oval, upper triangle and lower triangle. The results show that the lower triangle is conducive to reducing the contact length between the convex structure and the main flow zone and the turbulence kinetic energy intensity, as well as the head loss of the disc filter with discreet flow channels. Compared with the original right triangle, the contact length and maximum turbulence kinetic energy of the four optimized convex structures decreased by 9.61%-36.73% and 25.87%-49.96%, respectively, among which, those of the lower triangle decreased by 29.99% and 49.96%. According to the simulation, the head loss coefficient of the right triangle was the largest, and that of the lower triangle was the smallest, which also had the highest energy conversion efficiency. Under clear water condition, the head loss of the disc filter with lower triangle structure decreased by 14.89%-21.93% compared with the original structure. The research findings can provide some reference for the structural optimization of disc filters with discrete flow channels.
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