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Bearing characteristics of bridge friction piles under different loads
中文关键词:  桥梁桩基  灌注摩擦桩  承载试验  轴力  摩阻力
英文关键词:bridge pile foundation  cast-in-place friction pile  load-bearing test  axial force  frictional resistance
赵立财1,2 (1.台湾科技大学 营建工程系 中国 台北 10607 2.中铁十九局集团有限公司第三工程有限公司 辽宁 沈阳 110136) 
摘要点击次数: 752
全文下载次数: 256
      It is of great significance to study the bearing characteristics of cast-in-place friction piles constructed by drilling grouting technique and the distribution law of the pile mechanical properties for the safety and stability of bridge operation. Taking the pile foundation of Chongqing Sandian Interchange Type 1 Bridge as the research object, the laboratory test was designed according to the characteristics of the bridge pile foundation, and the performance of the single pile bearing capacity, pile axial force and side friction resistance was studied successively. Then the test results were compared with those of the numerical simulation and theoretical formula. The results show that the lithology of the bearing layer affects the top displacement of the bridge pile, the higher the geotechnical performance of the bearing layer, the smaller the displacement amplitude of the pile top. In addition, the variation range of the pile axial force and friction resistance increases first and then decreases with the increase of the pile top load, and the friction resistance is the largest in the middle of the pile. According to the verification of the theoretical formula and finite element analysis, the overall deviation rate of the laboratory test is small, it reflects that the variation law of the pile axial force are well expressed under these three calculation methods. The findings can provide an important theoretical support for the prevention and control of damages to bridges in the later period of operation.
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