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田雪琪, 王 华, 曾一川, 陈经纬, 李家乐.水量调度对平原河网能量影响分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2024,35(2):83-90
Influence of anthropogenic water diversion on river energy in plain river network
中文关键词:  河流能量  水量调度  二维河网模型  最佳调水流量区间  时空分布  平原河网
英文关键词:river energy  water diversion  two-dimensional river network model  optimal water diversion flow range  temporal and spatial distribution  plain river network
田雪琪1,2, 王 华1,2, 曾一川1,2, 陈经纬1, 李家乐1 (1.河海大学 环境学院江苏 南京 210098 2.河海大学 浅水湖泊综合治理与资源开发教育部重点实验室 江苏 南京 210098) 
摘要点击次数: 579
全文下载次数: 238
      The poor hydrodynamic conditions in the plain river network have resulted in prominent water quality issues. To improve the water environment in the plain river network area, we selected hydrological and water quality monitoring data of flood and dryseasons of 2018 from 19 cross-sections in the Binhu River network in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. We employed the MIKE21 Binhu River network hydrodynamic-water quality model and a Python-based energy mathematical model to investigate energy dissipation patterns, the relationship between energy and water quality, and the optimal water diversion flow range. The results showed a significant negative correlation between water quality concentration and river energy. Increasing the water diversion within certain limits led to a rise in total river energy; however, upon reaching a threshold, further increases in water diversion caused a gradual decrease in total river energy. By optimizing the water diversion schemes at the energy target level, we effectively harmonized the diverse factors in the water diversion process. This optimization allowed us to determine the daily optimal water diversion flow range and the optimal total energy range for the river network. These findings provide a basis for optimizing water quantity control to ensure the hydrodynamic and water environmental conditions of the plain river network.
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