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李列青, 吴德新, 易 魁, 廖照邦, 余俊阳, 赵兰浩.滑坡涌浪作用下某电站事故闸门动力响应分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2024,35(1):101-108
Dynamic response of the emergency gate in a hydropower station under the action of landslide-induced surge waves
中文关键词:  平板钢闸门;滑坡涌浪;动水压力;动力时程;动力响应  水电站
英文关键词:flat steel gate  landslide-induced surge wave  hydrodynamic pressure  dynamic time history  dynamic response  hydropower station
李列青1, 吴德新2, 易 魁3, 廖照邦2, 余俊阳2, 赵兰浩1 (1.河海大学 水利水电学院 江苏 南京 210098 2.中国电建集团昆明勘测设计研究院有限公司 云南 昆明 650051 3.华能澜沧江水电股份有限公司云南 昆明 650214) 
摘要点击次数: 916
全文下载次数: 374
      滑坡涌浪可能造成闸门大变形和失稳,研究某电站进水口事故闸门在滑坡涌浪动水压力作用下的动力响应问题对电站安全生产具有重要意义。采用自编程序模拟了不同工况下库区滑坡涌浪过程,将滑坡涌浪数值动水压力转化为施加在平板钢闸门有限元模型上的节点荷载,利用动力时程方法得到了闸门在滑坡涌浪作用下的动力响应,依据规范对闸门的动力响应做出评价。结果表明:闸门在正常蓄水位下受滑坡涌浪动水压力作用位移和应力响应值最大,在死水位下受滑坡涌浪动水压力作用闸门的动力响应影响更为明显;闸门在正常蓄水位下受滑坡涌浪动水压力作用的位移响应最大值为9.27 mm,Mises应力最大值为192.06 MPa;各个构件动应力水平较低,满足规范要求,在滑坡涌浪动水压力作用下可安全运行。
      The emergency gate may produce large deformation and instability under the action of landslide-induced surge wave pressure. For the safe operation of the hydropower station, it is of great significance to study the dynamic response of the inlet emergency gate under the action of landslide-induced surge waves. In this paper, the landslide-induced surge waves in the reservoir area were simulated by a self-developed program, and the hydrodynamic pressure of the landslide surge is converted into the node load imposed on the finite element model of the flat steel gate. Then, the dynamic response characteristics of the gate under the action of landslide-induced surge waves were obtained by the dynamic time history method and evaluated according to the specification. The results show that under the hydrodynamic pressure of landslide-induced surge waves, the displacement and stress response values of the gate are the largest under the normal storage water level; whereas the dynamic response of the gate is more obvious under the dead water level. Under the normal water level, the maximum displacement response of the gate is 9.27 mm, and the maximum Mises stress is 192.06 MPa. The dynamic stress level of each component is quite low, which can all meet the requirements of the specification, so the gate can operate safely under the action of landslide-induced surge wave pressure.
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