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苑希民, 高瑞梅, 田福昌, 侯 玮.基于D-S证据理论改进AHP-熵权的流域洪涝灾害评估研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2024,35(1):9-16
Improved AHP-entropy weight method based on D-S evidence theory for basin flood disaster assessment
中文关键词:  D-S证据理论  AHP  熵权法  洪涝灾害评估  小清河流域
英文关键词:D-S evidence theory  analytic hierarchy process (AHP)  entropy weight method  flood disaster assessment  the Xiaoqing River Basin
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFC3202501); 水利部重大科技项目(SKS-2022002); 国家自然基金委创新团队项目(51621092); 科技部重点领域创新团队项目(2014RA4031)
苑希民1,2, 高瑞梅1,2, 田福昌1,2, 侯 玮3 (1.天津大学 水利工程智能建设与运维全国重点实验室 天津 300350 2.天津大学 建筑工程学院天津 300350 3.河北工程大学 矿业与测绘工程学院 河北 邯郸 056038) 
摘要点击次数: 1322
全文下载次数: 455
      Based on the consideration of the risk of disaster factors, the sensitivity of the disaster environment, and the vulnerability of the disaster bearing body, a flood risk assessment index system for the Xiaoqing River Basin was constructed. An improved AHP-entropy weight method based on D-S evidence theory was proposed to calculate the index weight so as to obtain the flood risk index. Then, the natural breakpoint grading method was adopted to determine the flood risk level and the spatial distribution of flood risk in the Xiaoqing River Basin. The results show that the overall risk of flood disasters in the Xiaoqing River Basin showed a trend of low in the south but high in the north, with high risk areas and higher risk areas accounting for 8.7% and 14.3% of the basin area, respectively, which mainly distributed on toth banks of the main stream and the main tributaries of the Xiaoqing River. The evaluation results obtained are consistent with the actual distribution of flood risk during the occurrence of Typhoon Lekima, proving that the improved method is superior to individual AHP and entropy weight method. The research results can provide a technical support for the decision-making of flood control and disaster reduction in the Xiaoqing River Basin.
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