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常鹏飞, 李佳乐, 门飞跃, 李亚军, 李建光, 李瑞杰, 张 彬.基于随机有限元法的圆形基础沉降最不利波动尺度分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2023,34(6):190-199
Worst-case settlement fluctuation scale analysis of circular foundations based on the random finite element method
中文关键词:  圆形基础沉降  最不利波动尺度  随机有限元  蒙特卡罗模拟  弹性模量  差异沉降
英文关键词:settlement of circular foundation  worst-case scale of fluctuation(SOF)  random finite element  Monte-Carlo simulation  elastic modulus  differential settlement
常鹏飞1, 李佳乐2, 门飞跃3, 李亚军1, 李建光4, 李瑞杰5, 张 彬1 (1.中国地质大学(北京) 工程技术学院 北京 100083 2.广东科诺勘测工程有限公司 广东 广州 5106633.中核第七研究设计院有限公司 山西 太原 030012 4.中航勘察设计研究院有限公司 北京 1000985.山西路桥第三工程有限公司 山西 忻州 034000) 
摘要点击次数: 887
全文下载次数: 329
      The scale of fluctuation (SOF) is an important parameter for the characterization of soil spatial variability, and different fluctuation scales can be used to simulate different degrees of the spatial variability of soil parameters. Based on the random finite element method (RFEM) and Monte-Carlo simulation, the heterogeneous soil mass is modeled assuming that the elastic modulus follows a lognormal distribution, by which the settlement deformation of a circular foundation under different fluctuation scales is studied. The results show that the central settlement is well fitted by a log-normal distribution, and the differential settlement is closely approximated by a normal distribution. With the increase of SOF, the mean value of central settlement and differential settlement are basically constant. The standard deviation of central settlement first increases and then tends to level off. In contrast, the standard deviation of differential settlement first increases and then decreases; it reaches the maximum when the SOF is close to the diamenter of the circular foundation, at which the average absolute differential settlement also reaches the peak. This SOF is the most unfavorable scale and is termed as the worst-case SOF. The probability of foundation settlement can be conservatively estimated by assuming such a worst-case SOF when the site survey data are relatively insufficient to define a reliable SOF.
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