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岳夏冰, 吴定意, 王奕丁, 江 黎.外海大回淤沉管隧道沉降影响因素敏感性分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2023,34(6):164-172
Sensitivity analysis of settlement influencing factors of offshore large siltation immersed tunnel
中文关键词:  外海沉管隧道  离心模型试验  有限元计算  地基沉降  沉降影响因素  敏感性分析
英文关键词:offshore immersed tunnel  centrifugal model test  finite element calculation  foundation settlement  settlement influencing factor  sensitivity analysis
岳夏冰1, 吴定意1, 王奕丁1, 江 黎2 (1.长安大学公路学院 陕西 西安 710064 2.西安公路研究院有限公司 陕西 西安 710065) 
摘要点击次数: 1120
全文下载次数: 334
      There are multiple factors influencing the foundation settlement of deep-sea immersed tunnels, and excessive settlement will directly affect the safety of the tunnel. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the sensitivity of various construction deviations affecting the foundation settlement. Taking the foundation of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao immersed tunnel as the research object, the centrifugal model test supplemented by the finite element verification method was used to reveal the variation characteristics of the backfill recompression amount and the foundation stiffness, according to which the single factor sensitivity of the longitudinal settlement of the natural foundation of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao immersed tunnel was determined. The results show that the most influential factor of the settlement of immersed tunnel is the overbreak and underbreak deviation of foundation trench, and the least influential factor is the unilateral width deviation of foundation trench. When the overbreak and underbreak excavation deviation of foundation trench is present, its influencing degree on the foundation stiffness under the combined working condition can reach 50%, and when it reaches the limit value, its influencing degree on the settlement characteristics of the immersed tunnel is no less than 20%, no matter what other sensitive factors are combined. Based on the analyses of multiple combinations of sensitivity factors, it is found that the most unfavorable working condition distribution in the longitudinal section is the constant extreme value on both sides of the section, i.e., the nonlinear variation distribution. The research results can provide some reference for other similar projects.
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