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刘 杰, 陈科锦, 孙 猛, 李芸娇, 姜 磊, 徐 磊.高外水隧洞变形稳定性的基质压缩效应水资源与水工程学报[J].,2023,34(5):183-189
Deformation stability of hydraulic tunnels under high external water pressure considering rock compressibility effect
中文关键词:  高外水隧洞  高地下水位  围岩稳定性  岩石基质压缩  渗流-应力耦合  数值分析
英文关键词:tunnel under high external water pressure  high groundwater level  stability of surrounding rock  rock matrix compressibility  seepage-stress coupling  numerical analysis
基金项目:江苏省水利科技项目(2022019); 国家自然科学基金项目(51979092)
刘 杰1, 陈科锦2, 孙 猛3, 李芸娇2, 姜 磊2, 徐 磊2 (1.重庆市水利电力建筑勘测设计研究院有限公司 重庆 400020 2.河海大学 水利水电学院 江苏 南京 210024 3.江苏省灌溉总渠管理处 江苏 淮安 223200) 
摘要点击次数: 795
全文下载次数: 415
      Deep-buried hydraulic tunnels are usually constructed under the condition of high groundwater level. To accurately evaluate the deformation stability of the surrounding rock, it is necessary to reasonably simulate the mechanical effect of external water infiltration. Although it has been recognized that rock matrix compressibility should be taken into account in the seepage-stress coupling analysis of saturated rocks, there is still lack of relevant research on the effects of rock matrix compressibility on the deformation stability of hydraulic tunnels under high external water pressure. Based on the effective stress principle of saturated porous medium and pore pressure correction coefficient, a seepage-stress coupling model of hydraulic tunnels under high external water pressure is proposed with the consideration of the permeability variation of surrounding rock during its deformation process. Then, the proposed model is implemented in ABAQUS, and the seepage field and deformation stability of a deep-buried diversion tunnel is studied under different conditions of rock matrix compressibility. Numerical simulation results show that rock matrix compressibility directly affects the external water infiltration process, and it is unfavorable to the deformation stability of the hydraulic tunnel under high external water pressure. The greater the compressibility of the rock matrix, the larger the deformation and plastic zone of the surrounding rock. This indicates that the deformation stability evaluation of surrounding rock of the hydraulic tunnel under high external water pressure without considering the rock matrix compressibility will lead to incorrect results which will affect the safety of the tunnel.
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