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赵扬锋, 丁 玲, 刘玉春, 李 兵.循环荷载作用下煤岩电荷感应与微震信号变化规律水资源与水工程学报[J].,2023,34(5):172-182
Variation law of charge induction and microseismic signals of coal and rock under cyclic loading
中文关键词:  煤岩失稳破坏  循环荷载  电荷感应  微震信号  时频特征
英文关键词:coal and rock unstable failure  cyclic loading and unloading  charge induction  microseismic signals  time-frequency characteristics
赵扬锋1,2, 丁 玲1, 刘玉春3, 李 兵1 (1.辽宁工程技术大学 力学与工程学院 辽宁 阜新 123000 2.辽宁省矿山沉陷灾害防治重点实验室, 辽宁 阜新 123000 3.辽宁工程技术大学 理学院 辽宁 阜新 123000) 
摘要点击次数: 985
全文下载次数: 439
      In order to improve the relevance and accuracy of the monitoring and early warning of coal and rock unstable failure in deep underground engineering, the charge induction and microseismic signals generated by coal and rock in the deformation and fracture process under cyclic loading were monitored simultaneously by a self-developed multi-channel monitoring system, and the time-frequency characteristics and energy features of the signals were analyzed and compared with those of the uniaxial compression tests. The results show that the charge induction and microseismic signals of coal and rock under cyclic loading have different characteristics at different loading stages, more microfractures are generated in the cyclic unloading section, and charge induction signals with small peak values frequently occur before multiple splitting fractures generate in the coal samples. Of particular note is that Fourier transform and spectrum analysis of the signals show that the variation characteristics of the spectral band and spectral amplitude of the microseismic signals can very well reflect the internal fracture extension of the coal samples, and the increase of the amplitude of the main frequency is synchronous with that of the amplitude of microseismic signals. The charge induction and microseismic signals can jointly define the loading process of the coal and rock, which can provide more accurate early warning information on rock failures.
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