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李睿智, 吴 磊 , 杜佰林, 郭宗俊, 王 妍, 许鎏佳.DEM和土地利用分辨率对SWAT水沙模拟效果的影响——以泾河流域为例水资源与水工程学报[J].,2023,34(5):70-79
Impact of DEM and land cover resolution on the simulation of runoff and sediment in SWAT Model: A case study of Jinghe River Basin
中文关键词:  DEM  土地利用分辨率  SWAT模型  水沙模拟效果  TOPSIS  泾河流域
英文关键词:DEM  land cover resolution  SWAT model  simulation effect of runoff and sediment  TOPSIS  Jinghe River Basin
李睿智1,3, 吴 磊1,2,3 , 杜佰林1,3, 郭宗俊1,3, 王 妍1,3, 许鎏佳1,3 (1.西北农林科技大学 旱区农业水土工程教育部重点实验室 陕西 杨凌 712100 2.西北农林科技大学 黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室 陕西 杨凌 712100 3.西北农林科技大学 水利与建筑工程学院 陕西 杨凌 712100) 
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      DEM和土地利用的数据精度影响水文模型的模拟效果。以泾河流域为对象,选取毛家河、杨家坪和张家山3个水文站作为控制站,分别利用9组不同分辨率的DEM和土地利用数据(分辨率范围均为30~3 000 m)构建了100个SWAT模型,探究输入数据精度对水沙模拟效果的影响,并采用TOPSIS理论方法对模型进行综合评价。研究表明:DEM分辨率会影响流域的边界和河网提取,且流域特征信息会随分辨率的降低而发生丢失;当DEM分辨率低于1 000 m时,需使用SWAT中的Burn in工具,才能完成流域边界与河网的准确提取;HRU的数量随DEM分辨率的下降而减少,而土地利用分辨率对HRU数量的影响不显著;当分辨率变化较大时,DEM对参数敏感性造成的影响要大于土地利用;在构建的毛家河、杨家坪和张家山3个站点的模型中,DEM和土地利用分辨率的最优组合分别为750和300 m、30和90 m以及150和3 000 m。该研究可为流域水沙模型构建与模拟精度提升提供方法与技术参考。
      The data accuracy of the DEM and land cover affects the simulation performance of hydrological models. In this study, three hydrological stations, i.e. Maojiahe, Yangjiaping and Zhangjiashan, were selected as the control sites to investigate the influence of the accuracy of the input data on the simulation effect of runoff and sediment.100 SWAT models were constructed using nine different resolutions of DEM (30-3 000 m) and land cover data (30-3 000 m) and the TOPSIS method was used to evaluate the model’s performance in a comprehensive manner. The results shows that the DEM resolution affects the extraction of watershed boundary and river network, and the watershed feature information will be lost with the decrease of resolution; when the DEM resolution is lower than 1 000 m, the “Burn in” tool in SWAT needs to be used to complete the accurate extraction of watershed boundary and river network; the number of HRU decreases with the decrease of DEM resolution, whereas the influence of land cover resolution on the number of HRU is not significant; DEM causes a greater impact on parameter sensitivity than land cover when there is a large change in resolution; the optimal resolution combinations of DEM and land cover for the three models of Maojiahe, Yangjiaping and Zhangjiashan are 750 m and 300 m, 30 m and 90 m, 150 m and 3 000 m respectively. This study can provide theoretical and technical support for the construction of watershed models and the improvement of simulation accuracy.
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