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周涵杰, 唐 明, 许文涛, 谢千辰, 吴宇泽, 何 力.鄱阳湖入江水道水质风险评估方法的研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2023,34(4):99-106
Risk assessment method of water quality in the waterway of Poyang Lake to Yangtze River
中文关键词:  水质劣化速率  水质风险评估  风险等级  时空分布  鄱阳湖入江水道
英文关键词:water quality deterioration rate  risk assessment for water quality  risk level  spatial and temporal distribution  the waterway of Poyang Lake to Yangtze River
周涵杰1, 唐 明1,2, 许文涛1, 谢千辰1, 吴宇泽1, 何 力3 (1.南昌工程学院 水利与生态工程学院 江西 南昌 330099 2.江西省水文水资源与水环境重点实验室江西 南昌 330099 3.抚河水文水资源监测中心 江西 抚州 344100) 
摘要点击次数: 1230
全文下载次数: 542
      In order to quantify the water quality pollution situation of the monitoring sections and explore the variation of water quality risk, the water quality risk of the waterway of Poyang Lake to Yangtze River was evaluated based on the monthly water quality deterioration rate of different monitoring sections. The water quality monitoring data of Wucheng, Duchang, Laoyemiao, Xingzi and Hamashi sections were selected to simulate the risks of exceeding water quality standards under different scenarios, and the spatial and temporal variation of water quality risk in the waterway was discussed. The results show that the monthly deterioration rate of water quality in Poyang Lake fits the p-Ⅲ distribution. Because the water quality risk of the section is defined from the perspective of the probability of occurrence of harmful events, the water quality problems faced by the waterway of Poyang Lake to Yangtze River can be accurately described, and the proposed risk threshold can reasonably characterize the risk level. The main indices affecting water quality of the waterway are TP , pH and COD. TP is the control index that causes the water quality of Hamashi to exceed the standard, and the probability of exceeding the standard is 12.29%; the control index of Wucheng and Laoyemiao is COD, with the probability of exceeding the standard of 2.58% and 2.73% respectively; and pH is mainly responsible for the deterioration of water quality in Duchang and Xingzi, and the probability of exceeding the standard is 1.82% and 3.29% respectively. According to this method, the probability of exceeding the standard of relevant water quality indices can be predicted, the water quality risk level of the section can be determined, and the main indices that may lead to harmful water quality events can be found out, which can provide technical support for the accurate management of water quality of the target water body.
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