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代 彬, 郭巧玲, 陈梓楹, 张肖萌, 于 荣.乌兰木伦河流域地下水水化学同位素特征及补给关系水资源与水工程学报[J].,2023,34(4):15-22
Groundwater isotope hydrochemical characteristics and the interactions between precipitation river and ground water in the Wulanmulun River Basin
中文关键词:  河水与地下水  补给关系  水化学  稳定同位素  乌兰木伦河流域  黄河流域
英文关键词:river water and groundwater  supply relationship  hydrochemistry  stable isotope  the Wulanmulun River Basin  the Yellow River Basin
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(42162021); 东华理工大学博士基金项目(DHBK2019093); 江西省水利科技重点项目(202325ZDKT01)
代 彬1, 郭巧玲1,2, 陈梓楹1, 张肖萌1, 于 荣1 (1.东华理工大学 水资源与环境工程学院 江西 南昌 330013 2.东华理工大学 核资源与环境国家重点实验室 江西 南昌 330013) 
摘要点击次数: 1449
全文下载次数: 540
      研究河水与地下水的水化学同位素特征及相互作用,对流域内水资源的保护与开发利用具有重要意义。以地处神府东胜煤田的黄河流域内的乌兰木伦河流域为研究对象,采用统计分析、Piper三线图和两端元模型分析流域降水、河水、地下水(矿井水、生活井水)的水化学特征、氢氧稳定同位素特征及其分布规律,探讨了流域内降水、河水与地下水的补给关系。水化学分析结果表明:河水的水化学类型为HCO3-Na型和HCO3+SO4-Na型;矿井水的水化学类型为HCO3-Na型、HCO3+Cl-Na型和HCO3+ SO4-Na型;生活井水的水化学类型为HCO3-Ca型,矿井水与河水联系较为密切。同位素分析结果表明:地下水受到大气降水和河水的共同补给,三者之间存在水力联系以及一定程度的水体转化。当地下水井深小于135 m时,大多数采样点河水对其补给贡献率为58.47%~80.94%;当地下水井深大于135 m时,河水对其补给贡献率为21.47%~58.69%。在地下水采样点距离河道8.8 km范围内,河水对地下水的补给贡献率超过45%,表明河水是地下水的重要补给来源之一;当地下水采样点距河道超过8.8 km时,河水对其补给贡献较弱。随着水井深度的增加、与河道距离的增大,河水对地下水的补给贡献率越来越小。该研究可为流域水资源管理与保护提供基础支撑。
      It is of great significance for the exploitation and utilization of water resources in the basin to study the isotope hydrochemical characteristics and the interactions between the river water and groundwater. Here, the Wulanmulun River Basin in the Yellow River Basin, which is located in Shenfu Dongsheng Coalfield, is taken as the research object and the statistical analysis, Piper diagram and two-end meta-model as the research methods. The chemical characteristics, hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopic characteristics and distribution of the precipitation, river water, groundwater (including mine drainage and domestic well water) in the basin are analysed to explore the supply relationship between the precipitation, river water and groundwater. The hydrochemical analysis shows that the hydrochemical types of river water are HCO3-Na and HCO3+SO4-Na, mine drainage water are HCO3-Na, HCO3+Cl-Na and HCO3+ SO4-Na, domestic well water is HCO3-Ca. Mine drainage water is closely related to river water. Isotopic analysis shows that groundwater is co-replenished by atmospheric precipitation and river water, and there is a hydraulic connection between the three and a certain degree of water transformation can be spotted as well. When the depth of groundwater well is shallower than 135 m, the contribution of river water to its recharge is 58.47%-80.94% , and when the depth of groundwater well is deeper than 135 m, the contribution of river water to its recharge is 21.47%-58.69%. The contribution of river water to groundwater recharge is more than 45% in the range of 8.8 km from the groundwater sampling point to the river course, which indicates that river water is one of the important sources of groundwater recharge. When the groundwater sampling point is more than 8.8 km away from the river, the contribution of the river water to its recharge is weak. The contribution rate of river water to groundwater recharge decreases with the increase of the well depth and distance from the river. This study can provide some technical support for water resources management and protection in the basin.
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