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查 晴, 王 芳, 陈滇豫, 庞耀悦, 孙 骏, 马宇欣, 胡笑涛.深蓄储水灌溉对冬小麦籽粒灌浆及生长产量的影响水资源与水工程学报[J].,2023,34(3):208-214
Effects of deep storage irrigation on grain filling and growth yield of winter wheat
中文关键词:  冬小麦  深蓄储水灌溉  籽粒灌浆  产量  Logistic模型
英文关键词:winter wheat  deep storage irrigation  grain filling  yield  Logistic model
查 晴, 王 芳, 陈滇豫, 庞耀悦, 孙 骏, 马宇欣, 胡笑涛 (西北农林科技大学 旱区农业水土工程教育部重点实验室 陕西 杨凌 712100) 
摘要点击次数: 1005
全文下载次数: 485
      深蓄储水灌溉一方面可以充分发挥土壤水库作用,同时也可以将农田作为地下水回灌补给区,增加雨洪资源利用率。以“小偃22”为供试品种、雨养(CK)为对照,设置80 cm(D80)、120 cm(D120)、140 cm(D140)、160 cm(D160)和180 cm(D180)5个深蓄储水深度处理,分析不同处理对冬小麦干物质累积分配、产量和籽粒灌浆进程的影响。结果表明:各处理较CK分别增产8.9%(D80)、24.7%(D120)、31.0%(D140)、17.9%(D160)和9.9%(D180);深蓄储水灌溉提高了籽粒在干物质中的分配量和占比,其中D140处理籽粒分配比例较CK提高了2.46%;Logistic方程能较好地拟合不同深蓄储水深度冬小麦籽粒灌浆进程,拟合方程决定系数均大于0.99,深蓄储水处理较对照提高了平均灌浆速率,最大灌浆速率出现时间延长了1.65~3.32 d。深蓄储水灌溉有利于冬小麦籽粒灌浆及产量形成,本研究可为充分利用雨洪资源改善农田地下水环境、实现作物高产提供参考。
      Deep storage irrigation can give full play to the role of soil reservoir, it can also turn the farmland into a groundwater recharge area to increase the utilization of rainfall resources. Here, Xiaoyan 22 was used as the test variety, five deep water storage depths of 80 cm (D80), 120 cm (D120), 140 cm (D140), 160 cm (D160) and 180 cm (D180) were set up and rainfed (CK) was used as the control to analyze the effects of different treatments on dry matter accumulation distribution, yield and grain filling process of winter wheat. The results showed that the treatments increased the yield by 8.9% (D80), 24.7% (D120), 31.0% (D140), 17.9% (D160) and 9.9% (D180), respectively, compared with CK. Moreover, deep storage irrigation increased the distribution and proportion of seeds in dry matter, among which the proportion of seeds in D140 increased by 2.46% compared with CK. The Logistic equation was suitable for the fitting of the grain filling process of winter wheat at different depths of deep water storage, and the coefficients of determination of the fitted equations were all greater than 0.99. In addition, the deep water storage treatments increased the average filling rate and extended the maximum filling rate by 1.65-3.32 d compared with the control. Therefore, deep storage irrigation has a positive effect on grain filling and yield composition of winter wheat. This study can provide a reference for the fulfillment of making full use of rainfall resources to improve groundwater environment and the achievement of high crop yield.
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