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刘万林, 尹 航, 苏 旸, 罗海风, 靳春玲, 党丹丹.基于改进的G2-AEW-UMT模型的水工隧洞施工安全风险评价及障碍因子诊断水资源与水工程学报[J].,2023,34(3):184-192
Safety risk evaluation and diagnosis of hydraulic tunnel construction based on G2-AEW-UMT Model
中文关键词:  水工隧洞  施工安全风险评价  指标体系  未确知测度理论  障碍因子诊断  滇中引水工程
英文关键词:hydraulic tunnels  construction safety risk evaluation  index system  uncertainty measurement theory  obstacle factor diagnosis  Yunnan Central Water Diversion Project
刘万林1, 尹 航1,2, 苏 旸3, 罗海风4, 靳春玲3, 党丹丹3 (1.中铁开发投资集团有限公司 云南 昆明 650501 2.中铁七局集团第三工程有限公司 陕西 西安 7120003.兰州交通大学 土木工程学院 甘肃 兰州 730070 4.中铁西南科学研究院有限公司 四川 成都 611731) 
摘要点击次数: 1146
全文下载次数: 488
      In order to reduce the construction safety risk of tunnels in Yunnan Central Water Diversion Project and prevent the occurrence of construction accidents, it is necessary to predict the risk factors in advance. Considering the construction risk-inducing environment and hydrological, climatic and geological factors, we selected 8 primary indices and 19 secondary indices to build a safety risk evaluation index system for the construction of hydraulic tunnels, taking the specifications and engineering practice into account. The improved G2 and anti-entropy weight (AEW) method were introduced to calculate the subjective and objective weights of the indices, then the uncertainty measurement theory (UMT) and obstacle factor diagnosis were applied to establish the G2-AEW-UMT hydraulic tunnel construction safety risk evaluation model. The model validation was carried out on the simulation of the No. 7 tunnel of a project, and the results showed that the obstacle degree of climatic conditions in the slanting section, inlet section and outlet section of the tunnel scores the highest, which are 27.79%, 32.97% and 29.75%, respectively; that of geological conditions in the upstream section is the highest, which is 28.93%; and that of hydrological conditions in the downstream section scores the highest, which is 22.96%. According to the comprehensive diagnosis, the main obstacle factors affecting the construction safety of No.7 tunnel are climatic, hydrological and geological conditions, the mean value of the obstacle degree is 49.55% and the risk range degree is 62.5%, so the construction safety risk level of this hydraulic tunnel is evaluated as Ⅱ, which is categorized as the medium risk. Compared with the previous research, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation results are consistent with the engineering practice, therefore, the proposed model is feasible. The combined model of unconfirmed measurement theory and obstacle factor diagnosis is applicable to the hydraulic tunnel construction safety risk evaluation with high feasibility and calculation accuracy, which can provide a new approach for the safety risk evaluation and diagnosis of the hydraulic tunnel construction in the Yunnan Central Water Diversion Project.
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