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王林威, 靖 娟, 尚文绣.矿井大量涌水地区多水源联合配置水资源与水工程学报[J].,2023,34(3):37-45
Combined allocation of multiple water resources in areas with large amount of mine water inrush
中文关键词:  矿井水  多水源  需水预测  供水规则  配置方案  乌审旗
英文关键词:mine water  multiple water resources  water demand forecast  water supply rule  allocation scheme  Uxin Banner
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFC3202300); 河南省重大科技专项(201300311400)
王林威, 靖 娟, 尚文绣 (黄河勘测规划设计研究院有限公司 河南 郑州 450003) 
摘要点击次数: 1020
全文下载次数: 534
      为了实现矿井水在区域供水体系中的科学配置,以煤矿开采规模庞大的乌审旗为研究区域,预测未来水资源供需态势,建立包含矿井水的多水源供水规则与配置模型,经优化提出多水源联合配置方案。结果表明:随着煤矿开采规模的扩大,与2020年相比,2025年乌审旗供水结构将发生显著变化,地下水供水量将减少44.9%,矿井水供水量将增加1.4倍;矿井水大量供给将置换地下水水源,可解决局部地下水超采问题;受用水总量控制指标的限制,2025年全旗缺水量将达到1 913×104 m3,未来需要退减耕地面积以控制总需水量的增长。乌审旗有大规模利用矿井水的迫切需求,但存在供水成本高、取水许可“批用不符”等现实问题。乌审旗在建的大水网工程为当地地表水、黄河水、矿井水、再生水等水源的丰枯互济提供了工程条件,有利于消除矿井水的不稳定性,保障水资源的稳定供给。
      In order to reasonably allocate the mine water in the regional water supply system, Uxin Banner, a large-scale coal mining area, is taken as the study area to predict the future water supply and water demand. Meanwhile, the water supply rules and an allocation model are established with the consideration of multiple water resources including mine water, so as to sort out the optimized allocation scheme of multiple water resources. Results show that compared with 2020, the water supply structure of Uxin Banner will change significantly in 2025 as a result of the expansion of coal mining scale. The groundwater supply will reduce by 44.9% while the mine water supply will increase by 1.4 times. The massive supply of mine water will replace the groundwater supply, which can solve the problem of local groundwater overexploitation. Limited by the total water consumption control index, the water shortage of the whole banner will reach 19.13×106 m3 in 2025. In the future, it is necessary to reduce the area of farmland to control the growth of water demand. There is an urgent need for large-scale utilization of mine water in Uxin Banner, but there are practical problems such as high water supply cost and inconsistent water intake permit. The large water network project (under construction) in Uxin Banner provides engineering conditions for establishing the complementary relationship of local surface water, Yellow River water, mine water and recycled water, which is conducive to eliminating the instability of mine water and ensuring the stable supply of water resources.
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