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于 浩, 徐利岗, 王怀博.不同水肥耦合对宁夏枸杞生长、产量及品质的影响研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2023,34(2):208-215
Effects of different water and fertilizer coupling on the growth, yield and quality of Lycium barbarum L. in Ningxia
中文关键词:  宁夏枸杞  水肥耦合  水肥灌溉制度  产量  品质  长势
英文关键词:Lycium barbarum L. in Ningxia  water and fertilizer coupling  water and fertilizer scheme  yield  quality  growth
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0400206); 宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划项目(2021BBF02019、2021BBF02012); 宁夏自然科学基金项目(2022AAC02075、2020AAC03481)
于 浩1, 徐利岗2, 王怀博2 (1.宁夏回族自治区科技特派员创业指导服务中心 宁夏 银川 750001 2.宁夏回族自治区水利科学研究院 宁夏 银川 750021) 
摘要点击次数: 1014
全文下载次数: 500
      为了探讨不同树龄枸杞的生长量、产量及品质对水肥供给差异的响应特征并提出合理的水肥制度,2017—2020年连续开展大田试验,以宁夏中部干旱区宁杞七号枸杞为研究对象,设置灌水量和施肥量2因素3水平试验处理,定位监测各处理枸杞的基径、株高、新梢茎粗与条长等生长指标,以及干果产量、百粒重、粒度等产量指标和营养成分含量的品质指标,分析不同水肥供给对枸杞长势、产量及品质的影响,并提出合理的水肥耦合制度,为干旱区枸杞的田间水肥管理提供科学依据。结果表明:2017—2020年,各处理枸杞基径年均增长量为3.5~5.8 mm/a,BF2处理(中水中肥)基径的4 a累计增量最大,为19.9 mm,较对照组(CK)大31%;株高年均增长量为13.4~26.2 cm/a,CF2处理(高水中肥)的株高年均增幅最大,为30.9 cm/a;新发枝条茎粗增长量平均为2.3 mm/a,BF2处理的新梢条长4 a累积增长量最大,为148.8 cm;枸杞鲜干比为3.89~4.55,平均百粒重为20.77 g,2017—2019年粒度为305~330粒,果品均达到特级;BF2处理枸杞甜菜碱含量最高,为9.0%,CF3处理(高水高肥)枸杞多糖含量最大,为7.4%;蛋白质平均含量为11.09%~12.08%,氨基酸含量平均为7.35%。通过综合分析提出宁夏中部干旱带4~7年龄宁杞七号枸杞最优水肥制度:灌溉定额为3 750 m3/hm2(其中春灌为450 m3/hm2,生育期灌水为2 700 m3/hm2,冬灌为600 m3/hm2),施肥量为720 kg/hm2(施肥8次,单次施肥量为90 kg/hm2)。
      In order to explore the response characteristics of the growth, yield and quality of Lycium barbarum L. with different ages to the differences in water and fertilizer supply, a series of field experiments were carried out continuously from 2017 to 2020 in the arid area of central Ningxia with the cultivar Ningqi 7 as the study object. In the experiments, treatments with two factors of water and three levels of ferlilizer application amounts were set to monitor the growth indicators of base diameter, plant height, new stem diameter and length, yield indicators of dried fruit yield, 100-grain weight and grain size, and quality indicators of nutrient content. Then the effects of different water and fertilizer supply on the growth, yield and quality of Lycium barbarum L. were analyzed, and suitable water and fertilizer coupling scheme was put forward to provide some support for the scientific management of water and fertilizer for Lycium barbarum L. in arid areas. The results showed that the annual increase of the base diameter of the treatments ranged from 3.5 to 5.8 mm from 2017 to 2020, and the maximum four-year cumulative increase of the base diameter for the treatment BF2 (medium water and fertilizer) was 19.9 mm, which was 31% larger than that of the control (CK). The four-year average increase of plant height was 13.4-26.2 cm/a, and treatment CF2 (high water and medium fertilizer) scored the highest increase of 30.9 cm/a. The average stem diameter growth of new branches was 2.3 mm/a, and the highest four-year cumulative growth of new branches was found in treatment BF2, which was 148.8cm.The ratio of fresh-to-dry was 3.89-4.55, the average 100-grain weight was 20.77 g, and the grain size ranged from 305 to 330 grains from 2017 to 2019, indicating the fruit all reached the premium grade. Furthermore, the betaine content of treatment BF2 was up to 9.0%, polysaccharide content of treatment CF3 (high water and fertilizer) was up to 7.4%, the average protein content was 11.09%-12.08% and the average amino acid content was 7.35%. According to the comprehensive analysis, the recommended optimal water and fertilizer scheme for Ningqi 7 in the arid area of central Ningxia is irrigation water amount of 3, 750 m3/hm2 (including 450 m3/hm2 for spring irrigation, 2, 700 m3/hm2 for growth period irrigation and 600 m3/hm2 for winter irrigation), fertilizer application amount of 720 kg/hm2 (eight times of fertilization, 90 kg/hm2 per application).
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