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曹卫平, 石玉斌, 高帅鹏.上拔力-水平力-扭矩组合荷载作用下斜桩承载特性模型试验水资源与水工程学报[J].,2022,33(6):145-150
Model test on bearing behavior of batter piles under the combined action of uplift, horizontal and torque loads
中文关键词:  斜桩  承载特性  组合荷载  桩身倾角  模型试验
英文关键词:batter pile  bearing characteristics  combined load  pile inclination angle  physical model test
曹卫平1,2, 石玉斌1, 高帅鹏1 (1.西安建筑科技大学 土木工程学院 陕西 西安 710055 2.陕西省岩土与地下空间工程重点实验室 陕西 西安 710055) 
摘要点击次数: 1061
全文下载次数: 500
      Batter piles are widely used in bridges, offshore drilling platforms and foundations of wind power projects, and their bearing characteristics are very complex. In order to reveal the bearing characteristics of single batter piles under the combined action of uplift force, horizontal force and torque, a laboratory physical model test of four batter piles in sandy soil foundation was carried out using a self-designed loading equipment, with which the influences of pile inclination angle, uplift and horizontal loads on the horizontal displacement, torsion angle, torque and bending moment of the piles were studied. The experimental results show that the horizontal bearing capacity of the batter piles increase with the increase of the pile inclination angle; the increase of the inclination angle and uplift load will lead to the decrease of ultimate torsional bearing capacity of the batter piles; the maximum bending moment of the batter piles increase with the increase of the pile inclination angle and uplift load; the combined loads can only transfer effectively to a certain depth for batter piles.
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