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吴旭敏, 杨 溢, 叶志程.岩土体边坡在降雨入渗作用下的稳定性及影响因素分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2022,33(5):189-199
Stability of rock-soil slopes under rainfall infiltration and its influencing factors
中文关键词:  降雨入渗  岩土边坡  边坡稳定性  降雨历时  降雨强度  主降雨类型  前期降雨  数值模拟
英文关键词:rainfall infiltration  rock-soil slope  slope stability  rain duration  rain intensity  main rainfall type  early rainfall  numerical simulation
吴旭敏, 杨 溢, 叶志程 (昆明理工大学 公共安全与应急管理学院 云南 昆明650032) 
摘要点击次数: 1531
全文下载次数: 437
      In order to evaluate the impact of rainfall infiltration on slope stability, a project slope in southwest China is selected for the simulation. According to the actual rainfall conditions in the area, GeoStudio and other softwares are used to establish the model and select the parameters. The slope stability considering rainfall duration, intensity, main rainfall types and early rainfall is analyzed by finite element method. The results show that short-term heavy rainfall will cause the slope stability to decline sharply in a short time, which will pose a great threat to the safety of the slope; the safety coefficient of slope is affected by the lag of rainfall infiltration. Then the sensitivity of influencing factors of slope stability are compared and analyzed by single factor analysis method, and the sensitivity relationship between different influencing factors of different rock and soil layers is obtained, which is of a certain referential value for slope stability analysis in practical engineering.
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