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王志兵, 刘金明, 顾 翔.纤维和纳米材料改良花岗岩残积土的力学试验及机理研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2022,33(4):185-191
Mechanical test and mechanism study of granite residual soil modified by fiber and nanomaterials
中文关键词:  花岗岩残积土  玄武岩纤维  纳米氧化铁  扫描电镜  三轴试验
英文关键词:granite residual soil  basalt fiber  nano-iron oxide  scanning electron microscope (SEM)  triaxial test
王志兵1,2, 刘金明1, 顾 翔3 (1.桂林理工大学 土木与建筑工程学院 广西 桂林 541004 2.广西岩土力学与工程重点实验室广西 桂林 541004 3.西南有色昆明勘测设计(院) 股份有限公司 云南 昆明 650217) 
摘要点击次数: 888
全文下载次数: 419
      When dealing with special soil, it is very important to choose environment-friendly and low cost materials with good properties for the strengthening. In order to study the effect of basalt fiber and nano-iron oxide on the mechanical properties of granite residual soil, samples with different dosages and mixing methods were prepared for the consolidation and undrained triaxial shear test, and the micro-mechanism of the processed samples was analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). The experimental results show that the shear strength of soil samples first increases then decreases with the increase of the dosage of basalt fiber, and peaks when the dosage reaches 1%; whereas the shear strength of soil samples increases monotonously with the increase of nano-iron oxide content. Both the single agent and composite agents methods can improve the cohesion of the soil, but not the internal friction angle. In addition, the effect of composite modified soil sample on soil shear strength is more obvious than that of single modified soil sample. The improvement of soil shear strength is contributed by the interlocking mesh between the basalt fiber and soil, and the filling of the gaps between soil particles by nano-iron oxide. The method of composite soil sample modification can effectively improve the shear strength characteristics of granite residual soil.
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