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王文川, 杨静欣, 臧红飞.基于WD-COA-LSTM模型的月降水量预测水资源与水工程学报[J].,2022,33(4):8-13
Monthly precipitation prediction based on WD-COA-LSTM model
中文关键词:  月降水量预测  小波分解  郊狼优化算法  长短期记忆神经网络
英文关键词:monthly precipitation prediction  wavelet decomposition (WD)  coyote optimization algorithm (COA)  long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network
王文川, 杨静欣, 臧红飞 (华北水利水电大学 水资源学院 河南 郑州 450046) 
摘要点击次数: 1180
全文下载次数: 438
      In order to improve the prediction precision of monthly precipitation, the precipitation prediction model of WD-COA-LSTM is proposed based on wavelet decomposition (WD), coyote optimization algorithm (COA) and long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network. Firstly, the time series is preprocessed by WD to eliminate its non-stationarity, and a low-frequency sequence and three high-frequency sequences are obtained as the result. Then the parameters of the LSTM model are optimized by COA. Finally, the predicted monthly precipitation is obtained by superimposing the predicted values of each subsequence. The proposed model was applied to the monthly precipitation prediction of Baitu Town in Luanchuan County and Guxian Town in Luoning County, Luoyang City, and the results were then compared with those of the LSTM, COA-LSTM and WD-LSTM models. It is found that the proposed WD-COA-LSTM model produced the highest prediction accuracy, indicating that WD and COA can improve the precision and generalization ability of LSTM model. This model provides a new approach for the prediction of monthly precipitation.
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