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申恒峰, 黄剑峰, 周传亮.基于冲蚀耦合动网格方法的摇臂式喷灌喷头冲蚀变形数值模拟研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2022,33(3):209-217
Numerical simulation of erosion deformation of rocker nozzle based on erosion coupled dynamic mesh method
中文关键词:  摇臂式喷灌喷头  磨损  冲蚀耦合动网格  数值模拟  水力性能
英文关键词:rocker nozzle  wear  erosion coupled dynamic mesh  numerical simulation  hydraulic performance
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(52169020、51541913); 北部湾大学引进高层次人才科研启动项目(2022KYQD01)
申恒峰, 黄剑峰, 周传亮 (北部湾大学 建筑工程学院 广西 钦州 535011) 
摘要点击次数: 1203
全文下载次数: 378
      喷灌喷头长期冲蚀磨损引起的喷嘴结构变形是影响其水力性能的主要原因之一。为了探究喷头的冲蚀变形及变形对其水力性能的影响规律,基于冲蚀耦合动网格方法以PY1-20sh型喷头为研究对象,利用标准k-ε湍流模型与Generic冲蚀模型建立喷头固-液两相流数值模型,针对3组不同水流含沙量工况开展喷头运行160 h内的冲蚀变形数值模拟研究。结果表明:喷头的冲蚀磨损主要发生在主喷嘴处,持续地冲蚀磨损使其质量减小,主喷嘴冲蚀变形表现为管壁向外不均匀扩张使得出口直径增大,变形程度与喷头运行时长及水流含沙量均呈正相关,变形速率随运行时间的延长而减缓,形状系数变大说明出口断面逐渐偏离圆形。喷头水力性能的变化表现为冲蚀变形使出口流量增加但流量系数减小,且由理论分析发现喷头射程随运行时长逐渐缩短,末端水滴直径逐渐减小但变化幅度不大。研究结果可为喷头的合理使用与结构设计提供参考依据。
      The structural deformation of sprinkler nozzles caused by long-term erosion and wear is one of the main reasons affecting the nozzle hydraulic performance. In order to explore the law of erosion deformation of nozzles and the effect of deformation on their hydraulic performance, based on the erosion coupled dynamic mesh method, a numerical model of solid-liquid two-phase flow of nozzle was established using standard k-ε  turbulence model and Generic erosion model with the PY1-20sh nozzle as the research object. The numerical simulation of nozzle erosion deformation within 160 h was carried out on three groups of inlet flows under different sediment concentration conditions. The results show that the erosion wear mainly occurs at the main nozzle, and the continuous erosion wear reduces its mass, which in turn causes the uneven outward expansion of the pipe wall and the increase of the outlet diameter of the nozzle. The degree of deformation is positively correlated with the service time and sediment concentration, the deformation rate slows down with time, and the enlarged shape coefficient indicates that the shape of the outlet section gradually deviates from the circle. The change of nozzle hydraulic performance is characterized by increased outlet flow but decreased flow coefficient due to erosion deformation. The theoretical analysis shows that the range of the nozzle is gradually shortened, and the diameter of the water drop at the end is gradually reduced within a small range. The research results can provide a reference for the rational use and structural design of nozzles.
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