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陈金泉, 王海军, 刘娟莉, 刘 通, 梁 超.基于IGA-BPNN的水电站厂房振动响应预测水资源与水工程学报[J].,2022,33(3):163-168
Vibration response prediction of a hydropower station based on IGA-BPNN
中文关键词:  河床式水电站  厂房振动响应预测  改良遗传算法  BP神经网络  振动响应
英文关键词:riverbed hydropower station  plant vibration response prediction  improved genetic algorithm (IGA)  back propagation neural network (BPNN)  vibration response
陈金泉1,2, 王海军1,2, 刘娟莉3, 刘 通3, 梁 超1,2 (1.天津大学 水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室天津 300350 2.天津大学 建筑工程学院天津3003503.雅砻江流域水电开发有限公司 二滩水力发电厂 四川 攀枝花 617000) 
摘要点击次数: 970
全文下载次数: 407
      In order to achieve intelligent prediction of the overall operation conditions of the hydropower plant structure vibration and solve the problems of the coupling of multiple vibration sources and randomness of vibration response, we proposed a prediction model based on improved genetic algorithm- back propagation neural network (IGA-BPNN) to study the powerhouse vibration response of a riverbed hydropower station. Firstly, the initial weight values and thresholds of BPNN are optimized by IGA, which is characterized by the advantages of efficient parallelism and global search, and then the predicted values of structural vibration displacement are procured by training the BPNN network. The prototype observation example shows that the maximum relative error of the predicted vibration displacements at the measurement points does not exceed 11%; the IGA-BPNN model is significantly superior to other models in terms of prediction accuracy and convergence performance, indicating that the prediction method is effective and feasible. This study can provide a reference for vibration research of other types of hydropower plants.
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